It's Not Charity If You Want Your Name on It
Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/15 10:42AMHow to Save Lives: A Conversation With Peter Singer
Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/15 10:00AMCarefully Groomed Stubble Is a Mark of Low Moral Character
Hamilton Nolan · 10/21/14 11:42AMThe Approximate Dollar Value of the Lives of Your Pets
Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/14 12:28PMPeople See Jesus in Grilled Cheese Because They Want Justice
Hazel Cills · 04/05/14 03:52PM
When people see significant, often religious imagery in everyday images, from grilled cheese to their dog's butt, it's called "pareidolia." But as for exactly why people see divine figures like Jesus in things like potato chips and other ordinary objects, a recent study in the journal cognition says it is due to a phenomenon called "the moral pop-out effect."
Peter Singer Is Here to Talk About Right and Wrong
Hamilton Nolan · 02/25/14 05:00PM
Peter Singer is a professor of bioethics at Princeton University and one of the world's most prominent—and controversial—moral philosophers. He's written influential works on poverty, charity, and euthanasia, and is considered a founder of the modern animal rights movement. He's here to speak to you.
Mississippi Will Support Morality by Denying Prisoners Marital Sex
Tom Scocca · 01/13/14 06:05PM
For more than a century, the state of Mississippi has allowed the inmates of its prison system to behave as if they are human beings capable of familial relationships, providing well-behaved prisoners the chance to briefly spend time alone with their spouses. On February 1, falling in line with prevailing trends in American justice, the state will stop allowing the visits.
How Many People Died Because of Batkid?
Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/13 12:28PMVariety: Interracial Group Sex Is More Outrageous Than Pedophilia
Tom Scocca · 12/17/13 10:36AMWhat the Media Owes to Bradley Manning
Hamilton Nolan · 08/22/13 10:42AMHamilton Nolan · 08/21/13 10:27AM
Study: Market Economies Make Us Evil
Hamilton Nolan · 05/16/13 11:14AMIn Defense of Being Outraged by Things that Everyone Already Knows
Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/12 10:05AM
Last March, Goldman Sachs VP Greg Smith quit his job in spectacular fashion—with a New York Times op-ed decrying the erosion of the firm's moral culture into a "toxic and destructive" state. Now, Greg Smith has a book coming out. He was on 60 Minutes last night. He has become, in mere months, the world's most famous insider critic of the go-go culture of Wall Street's biggest banks.
Must We Save Money?
Hamilton Nolan · 08/14/12 03:04PMCell Phone Cameras and The End of the Fair Fight
Hamilton Nolan · 02/08/12 02:06PM
Here we see two young women grab each other and start fighting at yesterday's Giants victory parade. A large crowd gathers around them. What the crowd does: point their cell phone cameras and film the fight. What the crowd does not do: make any move to break up the fight. Cell phone cameras have given us a fine excuse to become a bunch of moral zombies.
Where to Spend Valentine's Day if You're Single
Max Read · 02/10/11 03:52AM
Single on Valentine's Day? Instead of complaining loudly and publicly or going to some kind of stupid themed singles event, you should take a trip to Malaysia or Russia, where religious authorities are attempting to crack down on the decadent Western celebration of couples being gross with each other.