
Magic Mike’s Cody Horn Is the New Tori Spelling

Rich Juzwiak · 07/02/12 01:45PM

Twenty-four-year-old model/actress Cody Horn plays Channing Tatum's love interest in Magic Mike, and she is terrible enough to do major damage on the film's pacing and energy. She is one big suck every time she's onscreen, and she's onscreen a lot. It seems ridiculous that someone so inept would have landed such a high-profile role and get to kiss on something as plump and hitmaking as Channing Tatum's pair of lips and get paid for it.

Brian Williams Talks Nepotism and His Kids with David Letterman

Matt Toder · 05/15/12 11:57PM

On tonight's Late Show with David Letterman, NBC news honcho and Gawker correspondent Brian Williams chatter with David Letterman on a variety of subjects, one of which was his kids. When Letterman suggested that Williams might hire his son, as aspiring sports journalist, Williams joked about that being nepotism. Hey Brian, using your celebrity to connect your daughter to Girls producer Judd Apatow is nepotism too.

Nepotistic Celebukid Not the Next Edward R. Murrow After All

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/12 12:44PM

Last year, NBC News hired Chelsea Clinton to "report" on things for them, because here in America, major news networks are purely in the entertainment business and the privileges of dynastic nepotism will get you everywhere. That is why she was hired. Because of who her parents are. It has nothing to do with her abilities, or the concept of "journalism." I'm sure she's nice and smart and all. But that is not why she was hired by NBC News. Okay? Now. How is that going?

How Fate Plucked Allison Williams From YouTube Obscurity and Dropped Her on Her Dad's Friend's TV Show

John Cook · 04/16/12 02:27PM

In making the unending publicity rounds for Girls, co-star Allison Williams has been peddling a YouTube discovery myth: Producer Judd Apatow, the tale goes, happened to come across a video of her singing a self-produced mash-up of the theme song to Mad Men in October 2010 and immediately knew that she was the actress to play Marnie, Lena Dunham's uptight girlfriend.

Chelsea Clinton's Super Boring TV Debut

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/11 11:20AM

Yeah, last night was the TV debut of Chelsea Clinton, NBC's newest """""journalist.""""" All you non-famous kids out there who saddled yourselves with a lifetime of debt in order to pay for journalism school, who are now either unemployed or underemployed or stuck at some boring dead end niche publication wondering how your journalism dream turned out so differently than you imagined: maybe Chelsea Clinton will put you in one of her charity news segments on teevee one day. That would be a dream come true for you.

Washington Post Discovers Concept of 'Links'

Hamilton Nolan · 09/22/11 01:08PM

In your throwback Thursday media column: WaPo reporters now required to learn about the "internet," UK tabloid journalists are unpopular, Walter Cronkite's nepotistic legacy, The Onion is leaving NYC, and Scotland Yard is coming for your video footage.

Larry Ellison's Son Keeps Trying to Buy His Way Into Movie-Making

Max Read · 08/17/10 12:51AM

This is David Ellison. He'd like to be in the movie business. Unfortunately, he's not very good at picking projects. But his dad is the sixth-richest person in the world. So now David Ellison is co-funding movies with Paramount Pictures.

Celebunepotistic Art Mag Had Some Flaw, Somehow

Hamilton Nolan · 09/30/09 09:13AM

Tar magazine was an experiment to answer the timeless question: If you put some celebrities' kids together with a bunch of random art world names, will you make a super successful magazine? No, you won't. Live and learn.