Teen to Bill de Blasio: "Kill Urself, Fucking Dumass"
Andy Cush · 11/12/14 02:01PMMan Smacks Woman on the F Train, Car Explodes Into All-Out Brawl
Aleksander Chan · 11/10/14 08:00AMHamilton Nolan · 11/05/14 02:06PM
Five-Year-Old Boy Being Tested for Ebola in NYC
Taylor Berman · 10/27/14 08:18AMThree Quarantined in NYC After Doctor Tests Positive for Ebola
Aleksander Chan · 10/24/14 07:06AM
At least three people who came into contact with Craig Spencer—the doctor who tested positive for Ebola Thursday night after returning from Guinea—have been placed into isolation. The New York City health department said in a statement yesterday that disease detectives are currently working to retrace Spencer's every step in the days leading up to his diagnosis.
New York Rats Are the Best Rats (at Having Germs New to Science)
Dayna Evans · 10/14/14 12:22PMTwo Possible Ebola Patients Quarantined in New York City: Daily News
Taylor Berman · 10/13/14 12:25PMFred Durst and the Lost Boys: One Night in New York With Limp Bizkit
Dayna Evans · 10/13/14 11:25AM
I walked into the main atrium of Best Buy Theater like Queen of the Dirtbags, a half-chewed slice of pizza in my waving hand and a vodka soda in my left, dangling down by my hip. Everything smelled like Clinique Happy perfume and ball sweat. For half a second, before crossing the threshold into the venue, I thought, Can I bring pizza in here?
Possible Ninja Turtle Smoke Bombs West Village Restaurant
Hudson Hongo · 10/11/14 03:16PM
At about 6 p.m. Friday night, a mysterious figure emerged—Whac-A-Mole-style—from sidewalk grate on Sixth Avenue and threw two road flares into chic Village eatery Da Silvano. The burning flares immediately filled the restaurant's outdoor seating area with smoke, surprising diners that included Rose McGowan.
Enhanced Ebola Screening Starting at New York City's J.F.K. Airport
Kelly Conaboy · 10/11/14 10:32AMAre You Better Off Kicking a Cat or Killing a Pedestrian in New York?
Tom Scocca · 09/30/14 01:40PMSource: Former PA Governor Says NYC Is Hot Trash, Philly Rules
Dayna Evans · 09/24/14 12:40PM
According to sources who spoke with the New York Post, former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell is not fucking around when it comes to winning a bid for the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Instead of making a convincing argument for his city, he's allegedly dragging New York City, his loud upstairs neighbor, through the mud.
Why Broken Windows Policing Is So Broken
Peter Moskowitz · 08/18/14 10:00AM
Turnstile jumping is on the rise in New York City subways. Today, the New York Daily News published an analysis of data that detailed the increase in arrests for fare-beating busts made by officers. In the last five years, turnstile jumping apprehensions have ballooned by 69 percent—24,747 arrests were made last year as opposed to 14,681 in 2008 —and will likely increase in 2014.
Aleksander Chan · 08/04/14 07:19PM
The New York City Health Department announced that the man admitted to Mount Sinai Hospital with Ebola-like symptoms "is unlikely to have Ebola" and that "specimens are being tested for common causes of illness and to definitively exclude Ebola." The department's determination was made in consultation with the CDC and Mount Sinai doctors.
Missing Boy Wanders NYC Alone, Has the "Greatest Day" of His Life
Nalea J. Ko · 08/03/14 01:30PMCitibike Thief Caught After Poorly Disguising Bike, Not Covering Logo
Kelly Conaboy · 07/26/14 12:05PMManhattan's New 1,775-Foot Skyscraper Proves New York Loves America
Andy Cush · 07/10/14 03:03PM
Next time someone tries to tell you New York City isn't Real America, you remind them: 1 World Trade Center is 1,776 feet tall, man. Ain't that America? We love our country so much, in fact, that a new skyscraper — Earth's tallest residential building! — will top out one foot lower in patriotic deference.