
To Do: Literary Bigwigs Against Torture, Post-Election Drinking, or Cyndi Lauper

Jessica · 11/08/05 02:58PM

• Edward Albee, Paul Auster, Don DeLillo, Dave Eggers, Rick Moody, Salman Rushdie, Colson Whitehead, Heidi Julavits, Sandra Cisneros, and Philip Gourevitch, among others, are mad as hell about the American government s policy regarding the treatment of detainees at home and abroad, and they're unleashing their considerable literary acumen upon the masses at Cooper Union s Great Hall, site of Pen American Center s second State of Emergency reading. Starts at 7, but lefties might want to queue up a couple hours early if they want a seat. [flavorpill]
• Bloomberg supporters rejoice while all thirteen Ferrer backers out there drink away their pain at the New Yorkers for Parks Election Night Party at the Blue Room. Yes, the call is a bit premature, but we re not exactly expecting Dewey v. Truman here. [Acteva]
• Cyndi Lauper gives you an evening of her time (after time) at the Concert Hall at the New York Society for Ethical Culture. Good to see she's still performing — we sort of thought she was dead. [Upcoming]

'Boysroom' Could Be a Sports Bar, Right? Right?

Jesse · 11/07/05 04:42PM

This falls into that famous we're-not-endorsing-we're- just-passing-along category. But we'll note that we received more than one seemingly identical missives on this topic today. Here's one of the more felicitously phrased:

To Do: Muslim Blogger, Myla Goldberg, or the Hold Steady

Jessica · 11/07/05 03:17PM

• Muslim-by-way-of-Portland blogger Laila Lalami celebrates the publication of her first novel, Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits, with a reading at the Barnes and Noble on Astor Place tonight. If you re gonna be a Muslim blogger in this country, you might as well be one in Portland. [flavorpill]
• More hot writer-on-writer action at Housing Works Used Book Caf : short story scribe Nathan Englander talks with novelist Myla Goldberg about her latest work, Wickett s Remedy, which chronicles the adventures of a woman during the influenza epidemic of 1918. Timely! [Housing Works]
• Raucous bar band The Hold Steady headlines a show at Webster Hall tonight for self-loathing hipsters. Ben Folds plays Radio City for those looking for something a little easier on the ears and a lot easier on the liver. [Upcoming x2]

Team Party Crash: Teen Factory for Elton John AIDS Foundation

Jessica · 11/07/05 02:50PM

Smells like teen spirit.
If only we had friends like Lexi Lehman when we were 16. The Lizzie Grubman PR intern invited dozens of her closest friends to attend the Andy Warhol Factory Party she helped organize at the Altman Building on Saturday night to benefit the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Alas, we spent the majority of our adolescence sniffing glue while sitting in after-school detention. Our invites to parties like this must have been lost in the mail. Thankfully, we're post-college and technically adults, which means we scored a golden ticket to Saturday night's event and forced kiddie-porn fanatic Intern Neel to go in our place. After the jump, his reportage, with underage photos from staff voyeur Nikola Tamindzic.

To Do, This Weekend: Shout Out Louds, Gypsys, or Marathon Ogling

Jessica · 11/04/05 03:00PM

• Round two of Flavorpill s monthly First Fridays party at the Guggenheim s Russian exhibit offers Michigan boys Matthew Dear and Ryan Elliot on the decks. Because Peter the Great would have wanted you to peep his collection that way. [flavorpill]
• Fresh off some Times-sponsored fellatio, Swedish outfit the Shout Out Louds play to a packed house at Bowery. [BB]
• The Endangered Species Band wraps up the New York Gypsy Festival at Maia Meyhane. Can t say we attended many of the Festival s offerings, but we did find the cutest boho skirt on Ludlow Street... [flavorpill]
• Matthew and Eleanor Friedberger, the brotha-sista duo who comprise The Fiery Furnaces, perform at Northsix in Williamsburg tonight. Eleanor also doubles as the fashion muse of Gawker's own Intern Alexis, so Alexis will be there, drunk, for you to take advantage of. Just make sure you give her a courtesy call the next day or we'll have to spend the next week coddling her. [North Six]
• Uh, scantily clad, sweaty folk running all over Manhattan? Count us in. [NYCMarathon]

To Do: Photobloggers, King Kong, or Triumph the Overpriced Comic Dog

Jessica · 11/03/05 03:00PM

• Chrystie Street Gallery kicks off their NYC Photobloggers exhibit with a reception tonight at 7:00pm. Buy a photograph and put bread on the table for a Lower East Side hipster near you. [CSG]
• French video game giant Ubisoft throws a multimedia extravaganza at the Walter Reade Theater to herald the upcoming arrival of their King Kong game (as well as the actual movie). Attendees will likely be the only people frumpier than Kong director Peter Jackson. [flavorpill]
• $56.50 to check out Triumph the Comic Insult Dog at Town Hall tonight? Joke's on you, buddy. [Town Hall]

Amanda Scheer Demme To Stretch Velvet Rope To Vegas

mark · 11/03/05 12:03PM

Put yourself in Amanda Scheer Demme's shoes. You've already created a club so dense with celebrity-fellating self-importance that it threatens to suck half of Hollywood Boulevard into the world's trendiest black hole, and, probably as much out of utter boredom as malice, you've (allegedly!) instructed your thick-necked protection squad to brutalize a former Super Bowl MVP just so you can see your name in the papers. (Legal papers, sure, but still a rush.) Where do you go from here? Vegas, baby. Vegas:

The Enduring Allure of Marquee

Jessica · 11/03/05 10:27AM

The inferno of Chelsea's glittery nightlife hell, Marquee, is approaching its second anniversary. To examine why the venue thrives while others disappear every other day, the Times sent poor Lola Ogunnaike to experience the magic. To best understand Marquee, we turn to the words of its people:

The Tropicana Doesn't Care About Black People

mark · 11/02/05 03:35PM

Is Amanda Scheer-Demme's celebrity-fellating nightlife empire crumbling around her? The AP reports that former Denver Broncos running back Terrell Davis has filed suit against Scheer-Demme, accusing the hostess of a racially motivated cockblock at a post-Emmy party hosted at the Tropicana Bar. Davis's lawsuit also alleges that Scheer-Demme ordered her "attack dogs to physically assault and eject Davis from the private party," a punishment usually reserved for the likes of Tara Reid after a misunderstanding involving the definition of a "bottomless margarita." Defamer's obtained the actual court filing (click here to download), but we suspect that you lack the attention span to wade through the entire document, so we've helpfully transcribed two particularly compelling sections for your convenience:

To Do: Movable Hype, Go! Team, or Classic Genocide

Jessica · 11/02/05 02:15PM

• Can you believe that Gothamist s Moveable Hype concert series is already on its fifth installment? Yes? Oh. In any case, Bravo Silva, The Cloud Room, The Capitol Years, and Snowden perform, funnyman Aziz Ansari hosts, and the entire thing will end up on Flickr. [Paper]
• At the Museum of Jewish Heritage, Gabriel Sanders, Features Editor at the Forward, moderates a panel discussion featuring Times Op-Edite Nicholas Kristof and author Laurel Leff on why, exactly, the media has dropped the ball on genocide reportage from the Holocaust to Darfur. [MJH]
• A little post-genocide pick-me-up? Multiethnic hipster pep squad The Go! Team bring their pom-poms and flair ribbons to Webster Hall tonight. [flavorpill]

To Do: Absinthe, Taxis, or Invisible Gwen

Jessica · 11/01/05 02:15PM

• Finally, an academic lecture we can identify with: Dr. David Weir, a comp lit prof at Cooper Union, gives a talk on Absinthe, the drink of choice of hipsters from Van Gogh to Joyce before Pabst and Red Stripe came along and watered down the fun for everyone. [Cooper]
• Artists, designers, public officials, transportation experts, and tax-industry reps present concepts for improving the New York City cab at Parsons' "Designing the Taxi" showcase at Tishman Auditorium. Here's our concept, free of charge: lower the fucking fare. [TONY]
• Over at the Baruch Performing Arts Center, the Aquila Theatre Company present their reworking of H.G. Wells' The Invisible Man as a paranoia-filled metaphor for our nation's futile war on "invisible" enemies. If that sounds a bit high-minded, Gwen Stefani plays Madison Square Garden. Holla back! [flavorpill and Upcoming]

Team Party Crash: Flavorpill's 5th Anniversary Halloween Bash

Jessica · 11/01/05 12:00PM

This year, they decided to dress as characters from Sailor Poon.
Most of you whipped out your Halloweenie over the weekend, but diehard drinking amateurs hold out for the holiday itself. And so last night, as an alternative to Greenwich Village's annual Drunks on Parade, "cultural email" publisher Flavorpill hosted its 5th anniversary/Halloween party at the massive Supper Club. Gawker's softcore porn aficionado Nikola Tamindzic, unable to resist a gathering where patrons might be scantily clad, bravely endured the clusterfuck for your voyeuristic pleasure.

Gossip Roundup: Leonardo DiCaprio to Start Dating Other Supermodels?

Jessica · 11/01/05 10:55AM

• Actor Leonardo DiCaprio and supermodel Giselle Bundchen have reportedly ended their relationship — for real this time, and perhaps because of a third party. If this is the case, let's hope Leo cleans himself up a bit before heading back into the singles scene. [Page Six]
• Oh, the horror: Laguna Beach bad girl Kristin Cavalleri is dating poptard Aaron Carter. [Gatecrasher (3rd item)]
• Ted Koppel prays for Good Morning America co-host Charlie Gibson to replace the late Peter Jennings at the ABC evening newsdesk; GMA first lady Diane Sawyer commissions Haitian housemaid to create Koppel voodoo dolls. [Lowdown]
• Notorious fagodrome the Roxy, accused of admitting underage patrons, meets the long arm of the law just in time to wreck their gay ol' Halloween party. And so the war on fun continues. [Page Six]
• PETA narrows its gaze on Prince Charles, who it intends to harass on his forthcoming visit to the states. Apparently the royal guards use real bearskin on their helmets, which has the animal-rights group's knickers in a bunch. [Scoop]

To Do: Hallow Weenies

Jessica · 10/31/05 03:40PM

• At Scenic s "I Am an Evil Halloween Party" bash: a live freak show, human flesh-hook tug-o-war, go-go girls, and the opportunity to inflict bodily harm on yourself for a nominal prize. No time like Halloween to admit you re into weird, freaky shit. [Paper]
• It's officially Gay Christmas when the village's annual Halloween parade gets rolling. If you want to participate, get wasted and be on 6th Avenue between Spring and Broome by 6pm. []
• Hate the costumed festivities? Tony Kushner, novelist Maureen Howard, slap-happy cultural critic Stanley Crouch, and Herman Melville scholar Andrew Delbanco take part in a Moby Dick-themed intellectual circle jerk at the 92nd Street Y tonight. We didn t read it in college, and we re not reading it now. [TONY]

To Do, This Weekend: Put Razor Blades in the Halloween Candy

Jessica · 10/28/05 03:05PM

• Tonight Show host Jay Leno appears at the 92nd Street Y to discuss comedy and his new children's book. Friday night in a room with Jay Leno may be the only thing more depressing than sitting alone in a room watching him during the week. [92Y]
• If it's a bit too early for you to be getting your Halloween drink on (pussy), head to Pioneer Theater's All Night Vampire Movie Marathon. Six films screen tonight — some conventional (Bram Stoker's Dracula), some not (Nicholas Cage's turn as a NYC literary agent-turned-blood-sucking-vampire in 1989's Vampire's Kiss. Sometimes, the jokes write themselves). [flavorpill]
• A Halloween party for the self-obsessed Cobra Snake set: you and your friends dress up as a gang. Pictures are taken and then projected on the walls. DFA's Tim Sweeney and James F*cking Friedman are among the DJs. All at Supreme Trading in Williamsburg. [flavorpill]
• As if you needed further evidence that Halloween is just an excuse to dress like a slut: Scenic hosts Rated X: The Night of the Living Whore tonight, complete with a hot body competition. [Paper]
• A bit of culture mixed in to your weekend revelry: Flavorpill notes that Jon Kessler's multimedia exhibition The Palace at 4am at P.S. 1 is a "skeptic's take on EPCOT," where "whirling kinetic sculptures of surveillance cameras and video monitors pull viewers down the rabbit hole of representation, leaving us to find our way out again." We sort of like our blackout holes drunk, thank you. [flavorpill]

Blue States Lose

Jessica · 10/28/05 02:36PM

Last week, the blogosphere mourned the passing of one of its most beloved sons, Tale of Two Cities. But dry your dorky eyes, children, because its most popular feature, Blue States Lose, has come to Gawker.