Are you one of a subset of 83 million Americans? You’re lazy, man.

I’m not trying to be unreasonable.

I’m not saying you have to be some mountain climber. I’m not saying you have to be some endurance racer. But damn, man. You’re really just lazy. I have to come out and say it. Lazy ass. Go walk around the block, man.

“Roughly 83 million Americans age 6 and over, or about 28% of the population, reported that they did not once participate in any of 104 specific physical activities in the last calendar year, according to annual survey results by the Physical Activity Council released Wednesday.”

Man. Look. I’m not talking about you becoming some muscle man. I’m not saying you have to go swim the English Channel, over here. But not one physical activity in the past year? Not one? Do you want to know what some of those 104 specific physical activities are? I’ll tell you.

Backpacking Overnight – More Than 1/4 Mile From Vehicle/Home
Elliptical Motion Trainer
Sledding/Saucer Riding/Snow Tubing
Softball (Slow-Pitch)
Walking for Fitness

You didn’t do any of these? Not a single time? All year? Not one? Not pickleball? Not walking around? Not the elliptical? Not at all? Ever?

Not just the chronically sick people and the paralyzed blind people and the agoraphobic. Eighty three million of you.

That’s lazy.

[You are lazier than all the people in this picture: Flickr]