Media Bubble: Giving You The Bird

Someone sent us this picture of what they describe as a "wild bird" outside the Conde Nast building this morning, which is apparently freaking people out as much or more than the homeless woman who was peeing in the lobby of 4 Times Square on Friday. The bird will be served in the cafeteria around noon. Anna Wintour's gonna put a napkin over her head and eat it ortolan-style. And now, the news.
- New Time cover accurately predicts general reaction to magazine's redesign, contents. [Drudge]
- Canada's second-most famous lawyer (after Rachel Sklar) is already fucking up Conrad Black's defense. [Guardian]
- Even though his postings are less and less frequent, Dylan Stableford is still an idiot. On the other hand, ludicrous cut-and-paste jobs like the one linked here have a deeper arc than his actual prose. [MediaBistro]
- Sam Zell's bid for Tribune - much like our interest in anything having to do with this fucking story - appears to be "losing momentum." [Chicago Tribune]
- Adorable Adam Reilly piece assumes people know/give a shit about who broke a story first. [Boston Phoenix]
- "What Arcade Fire is to rock and Dana Vachon to yuppie lit, [Jonathan] Cohn is to health care journalism—i.e., he can't possibly live up to expectations." Hahaha! You know, for an old person, Mickey Kaus is almost sort of hip, in a neoliberal Jon Friedman kind of way. [Slate]