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As we all learned yesterday through two minutes and eleven seconds of the most affecting moving images ever transmitted over the YouTubes, even though it sometimes seems as if the entire world has turned on turned on VMA exploitation victim Britney Spears, there are still those willing to reach out to her as she tries to navigate this seemingly endless dark night of the erstwhile-pop-star soul. In the interest of connecting Spears with the generous, but anonymity-valuing, individuals offering to help her through these difficult times, we pass along this note from a Craiglister:

Britney Spears please read - m4w - 29 Britney when you want your life back on track and are willing to admit you need help eail me. You have hit rock bottom and only when you realise this will you truley be able to get back on track.

* Location: you know

* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

While the provided age and gender might lead you to theorize that the poster is 29-year-old ex-husband Kevin Federline, we suspect those were included to throw us off the trail of the true identity of Spears' Craigslist angel: Lindsay Lohan. All the clues are there: the signature misspellings, the world-weary recognition of another troubled soul's rock-bottom moment from someone who's been there, done that, carjacked the Denali and chased an assistant's mom through the streets of Santa Monica in the early hours of the morning. Should Spears get this message and contact the poster calling out from "location: you know," perhaps Lohan can convince her that even though the first couple of trips through rehab seem like nothing more than an image-salvaging sham forced on you by self-interested handlers, it's during that crucial, eye-opening third stint that one finally realizes the depth of one's problems.