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  • Did Uma Thurman and Arki Busson get secretly married during their engagement party earlier this month? If so, does that mean the European vacation they're on right now is really a honeymoon? [Page Six]
  • Frances Bean Cobain is supposed to be interning at Rolling Stone this summer. But it seems she isn't doing her job: She's been calling in sick, wearing funny outfits, and not getting coffee. [Page Six]
  • Alex Rodriguez's "friends" say his soon-to-be ex Cynthia used her psychology degree to brainwash and emotionally abuse him. Also, she refused to let him eat Spanish food because she didn't want him to seem like a Latin player. [Rush & Molloy]
  • Anna Wintour has not two step-grandchildren on the way. In addition to Alexis Bryan's baby, her former stepson, Sam Shaffer, is having a baby with Vogue contributing editor Kathryn Neale. [Page Six]
  • Salma Hayek and her super-rich fiancé Francois-Henri Pinault have called off their engagement. [NYDN]
  • Angelina Jolie's plan to quietly sneak out of the hospital in Nice at 4 A.M. must have worked because not a single photographer stationed outside got her photo on the way out. She also forgot to say goodbye to her doctor. [NYDN, In Touch]
  • Sean Avery popped up at the Marie Claire offices last week, where he schmoozed with Joanna Coles and watched as fashion editors tried on clothes and modeled for him. [Page Six]
  • A writer for Vanity Fair is interviewing associates of Raffaello Follieri for a feature article on the Italian con man. [Page Six]
  • Christie Brinkley might not have a husband, but she does have $80 million in Hamptons real estate. Also, she shouldn't have a hard time finding a TV hosting gig if she ever wants to. [NYDN]
  • Courtenay Semel and Casey Johnson went to a party in LA last week, but ended up driving off in someone else's Mercedes at the end of the night. [Page Six]
  • Amy Winehouse's inlaws say she's the reason for incarcerated hubby Blake Fielder-Civil's drug problems, and they don't want their son getting back together with the singer when he gets out of prison. [NYDN]
  • Ann Curry performed a standup routine at Caroline's as part of a Today show segment on facing your worst fears. [Page Six]
  • DMX was arrested again on Saturday, after police suspected he gave a fake name and social security number to get out of paying a hospital bill. [NYDN]
  • A scene in Richard Gere's new flick that was supposed to be shot in Chinatown had to be cut because the city wouldn't allow the production company to park its trailers in the area. [Page Six]
  • Dina Lohan's apparently thrilled with her daughter Lindsay's newfound lesbianism since it's giving her a chance to look like a supportive mom. [NYDN]
  • Pharrell Williams is about to become a father. An unidentified "model-type" woman he met in Miami is pregnant with his child. [Page Six]
  • Jennifer Lopez took her teenage stepdaughter Arianna Anthony shopping last week and bought her $5,000 worth of dresses. [NYDN]
  • Khloe Kardashian served 173 minutes of her 30-day jail sentence this weekend before being granted an early release. [E!]
  • Lance Bass' new boyfriend Sebastian Leal married a woman nine years ago and never got divorced, so technically Lance is dating a married man. [Page Six]
  • Blind item: "Which newly married diva recently went bananas after reading flirty text messages from her new hubby's ex on his Blackberry? She locked him out of their (her) house for two nights. Memo to ladies everywhere: If you don't want to know, don't start snooping." [NYDN]