• The premiere of Saturday Night Live with Tina Fey playing Sarah Palin and Michael Phelps as guest host generated the show's best season debut since 2001. [THR]
  • Not exactly the most auspicious timing, but Slate's new finance site, The Big Money, launched today. [NYT]
  • A redesigned WSJ.com will debut tomorrow morning. [NYT/Bits]
  • Joel and Ethan Coen's Burn After Reading was the No. 1 movie at the box office this weekend with $19.4 million in receipts. [THR]
  • David Carr on Katie Couric's surprising election season rebound. [NYT]
  • Levi's new ad campaign is focusing on the gay market. [NYT]
  • ABC's generated solid ratings on Friday night with part two of Charles Gibson's interview with Sarah Palin. [TVDecoder]
  • Fox has signed a "mega-renewal" deal with Gordon Ramsey. [Variety]