More Cipriani Drama, New 'Man Candy' for Paris

• Giuseppe Cipriani hasn't been seen in New York for months, but he says that has nothing to do with the handful of investigations now underway, or because he's banned from the US. He's just "busy" and says he'll return to New York "soon." His son Ignazio has been busy, too. The 20-year-old has been charged with third-degree assault for beating up a limo driver outside 1OAK back in December. [NYP, R&M]
• The latest man to fall into Paris Hilton's clutches: She was was spotted at Sundance making out with MySpace CEO Chris DeWolfe. [P6, NYDN]
• Prince William's girlfriend, Kate Middleton, may be planning to move to New York to take a job in fashion, thanks to advice she received from Tom Ford and Anna Wintour. [Daily Express]
• Maureen Dowd threw a big party on Sunday eve to honor of David Geffen. In attendance: Tom Hanks, Jeff Zucker, David Katzenberg, Ron Howard, and George Stephanopoulos, who knocked over a tray of martinis and left the party red-faced. [P6]
• Estee Lauder CEO William Lauder is reportedly giving Taylor Stein, who gave birth to his baby in 2007, $1 million a year to stay out of New York City. [P6]
• Tom Colicchio used the Heimlich maneuver on cookbook author Joan Nathan during a dinner party in DC this weekend. [IFA]
• Topper and Tinsley Mortimer's marriage troubles date back a bit: Tinsley asked for a room at the St. Regis in Aspen with two separate beds last March. [P6 Mag]
• Madonna's latest boytoy, Jesus Luz, is using his newfound fame to squeeze out every last penny. [P6]
• Kate Moss' four-day birthday party may have been fun for attendees, but it didn't exactly please her neighbors. [Showbiz Spy]
• Did Jennifer Aniston ban John Mayer from spending the night at her house as part of a plan to "push him" into proposing? That's what the Enquirer says. [NE]
• Katie Holmes would like to stay in New York even though her Broadway days are over. Now she just has to convince Tom Cruise to stay here, too. [DS]
• Liam Neeson may "face off" with Alec Baldwin on the subject of horse-carriages in Central Park at a hearing later this month. [P6]
• Uma Thurman was spotted doing yoga in the aisles on a flight from JFK to Salt Lake City, then chain smoking outside after the plane landed. [P6]
• Johnny Depp and longtime girlfriend Vanessa Paradis are reportedly engaged and planning a wedding in France. [NYDN]
• Penthouse founder Bob Guccione married his former stripper girlfriend. [P6]
• Soledad O'Brien is trying to evict the owner of a slobbering dog from her building. [NYP]
• Jennifer Hudson has signed on to sing at the Grammys next month. [The Sun]