Olivia & Whitney Take a Stand

• Olivia Palermo and Whitney Port are "horrified" that MTV producers have been pressuring them to get into a physical fight at "work" for an upcoming episode on The City and they've even threatened to walk off the set if they're forced to participate. How principled! [P6]
• Lindsay Lohan "stomped around" and "caused chaos" after finding out she'd have to sit in economy on a flight home from Tampa on Saturday. (She also told a friend to "come and visit me back there in case I die.") Horrified flight attendants eventually found her a seat up front. [Fox News]
• Things seem to be heating up between Madonna and Jesus Luz. Also, she took the model to brunch at Macelleria on Sunday, so you know. [DM, NYDN]
• It looks like Julie Janklow's new paramour is none other than surfer Scott Murphy, who split with Marci Klein back in December. [P6, previously]
• Michael Phelps offered to pay off News of the World or become a sports columnist at the paper if it scrapped the pics of him with a bong. [MSNBC]
• John Mayer's friends say his relationship with Jen Aniston won't work out because he needs more time to "focus on himself." [NYDN]
• Katie Holmes has been looking "pale and gaunt" lately, just so you know. [Mirror]
• Audio of Christian Bale ranting on the set of Terminator Salvation is now online for your listening pleasure. [TMZ]
• An artist is suing Diddy for allegedly ripping off his glass sculpture and using it as packaging for his Unforgivable cologne line. [TMZ]
• Anne Hathaway says she's taking her dad as her date to the Oscars. Safe bet! [People]
• Joe Francis was arrested yesterday for showing up five hours late to a court hearing. [E!]
• Heidi Klum is suing an unemployed German butcher for using her photo in an flyer without permission. Classy. [DM]
• Sienna Miller got drunk and danced on chairs during brunch at Bagatelle on Sunday. [P6]
• Britney Spears agreed to pay K-Fed $4,000-a-week and get him homes in three different cities so she can take her kids on tour. [Us]
• Amy Winehouse is in talks with a producer to make a documentary about addiction. [Cindy Adams]
• Some people are outraged at Jennifer Hudson for lip synching at the Super Bowl. Also: Some people have too much time on their hands. [EW]
• Ryan Adams and Mandy Moore are back together. [PH]
• Gabriel Aubry says he and Halle Berry want to have more kids. [People]
• Vincent Gallo is trying to sell a vinyl wallet he designed for $750. [P6]