America, Here is Your Desired 'Letterman on McCain' Action

Well, isn't this interesting. Hours before the anticipated David Letterman evisceration of John McCain aired on the East Coast, a YouTube popped up (by a user who had never posted any videos before and registered today) with all the highlights. Thanks, CBS mole! Video after the jump:
The YouTube is nine minutes long, so here are the relevant parts: :01 - 3:27: Letterman takes fairly tame shots at McCain mixed with genuine praise for the man's heroism. 3:27 - 6:34: Dave starts getting testy! 6:35 - 9:11: Fill-in guest Keith Olbermann (haha, amazing choice) is interrupted when Letterman finds out about McCain's Couric interview, conducted at that very moment down the street. Letterman then plays live footage of McCain getting powdered by a makeup assistant before Couric goes on the air. Should this leak be taken down, we'll be back with our own clips tomorrow. Enjoy!