Happy Birthday

Beyoncé turns 28 today. Mark Ronson is turning 34. Police commissioner Ray Kelly is 68. Congressman Anthony Weiner is turning 45. Hotelier/restaurateur Sean MacPherson turns 45. Paper magazine co-founder David Hershkovits is turning 62. Damon Wayans is 49. Retired baseball player Mike Piazza is 41. And Dr. Drew Pinsky is celebrating his 51st. Weekend birthdays below.
Saturday: Ex-banker/art mogul Bob Mnuchin (76); Bob Newhart (80); Michael Keaton (58); editor Dana Cowin (49); CUNY vice chancellor Iris Weinshall (56); lobbyist Ethan Geto (66); Raquel Welch (69); Rose McGowan (36); and Alexandra Kerry (36).
Sunday: Rosie Perez (45); Swoosie Kurtz (65); Elizabeth Vargas (47); Foxy Brown (31); Carly Fiorina (55); Jeff Foxworthy (51); Broadway actress Anika Noni Rose (37); and Cisco Adler (38).