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Gwyneth Paltrow got into a minor car crash on the icy streets of London the other day. Don't worry—she wasn't hurt fine—although she may want to reconsider that all-juice "fast" she started at the beginning of the new year. [DM]
• The little girl that Casey Johnson adopted a few years ago, Ava, will be raised by her mother and sisters, according to reps for the family. And the Tila Tequila's craziness continues. Yesterday, she emerged from her house to pose in a skanky outfit for photographers, and she continues to rant on about her "fiancée" on Twitter. Meanwhile, Johnson's former girlfriend, Courtenay Semel—who set Johnson's hair on fire a year ago—has been speaking out, as has Johnson's other former girlfriend—model Jasmine Lennard, who accused Johnson late last year of robbing her and leaving a used vibrator in her bed.
• The reason for Gary Coleman's recent hospitalization? He says he had "a little seizure activity" after he found out that the producers of a film he worked on recently had no plans to remove a full-frontal shot of him. [TMZ]
• Lindsay Lohan claimed the other day that one of her friends stole sketches of her new clothing collection. But now two different designers have come out to accuse LiLo of copying their designs. The president of LiLo's company says the claims are "false and have no merit or validity whatsoever." [People]

• A new photo of ABC News' Bianna Golodryga—White House budget director Peter Orzsag's new fiancee—has been unearthed. Unfortunately for Golodryga and Orzsag, it's an unflattering mugshot. It seems Golodryga was arrested for DWI in 2000. [NYDN]
• Elin Nordegren supervised a bunch of movers at Tiger Woods' office yesterday as they carted out belongings. According to a witness, "she looked quite cheerful," which we're happy to hear. [Sun]
• The police radio transmissions have been released from Tiger Woods' infamous November car crash, in case you care to take a listen. [TMZ]
• Hayden Panettiere was so determined to hide the fact that she was sharing a room with boxer Wladimir Klitschko in Miami over New Year's that she booked a room at a second hotel so she could claim she was staying there. Why she thought people would care so much, we're not sure. [P6]
• The Parents Television Council is going after Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi for promoting tanning beds and declaring that putting one in everyone's home would "change the world." Apparently the PTC isn't a fan of the George Hamilton look. [NYDN]
• Lady Gaga appeared at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to discuss her new Polaroid venture, and she wore a "hat" made from gel-sculpted hair, naturally. [DM]
• Evan Rachel Wood and Marilyn are engaged. He proposed to her while on stage in Paris on Monday. [People]
• In an attempt to compliment Meryl Streep's appearance in an interview, Sharon Stone said Streep "looks like an unmade bed." Awkward! [Us]
Susan Sarandon popped into ping-pong club Spin the other night to say hi to her supposed boy toy, Jonathan Bricklin. [People]
Alec Baldwin arrived at a Midtown restaurant the other night and "said hello to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who were discussing Third World Poverty with UN types." Of course they were. [P6]
• At the People's Choice Awards, Mariah Carey's dress was so tight she had a near boob-flashing incident and had to be helped on stage by husband Nick Cannon. She didn't appear tipsy during her acceptance speech, as she had been the night before at the Palm Springs International Film Festival. But she blamed her bizarro behavior the previous night on director Lee Daniels, calling him a "bad influence." [Sun, Us, P6]
• How is Simon Monjack coping with Brittany Murphy's death? He's relying on Murphy's mother Sharon for support, according to Monjack's mother, Linda. "They're keeping each other going," she said. [People]
• Nobody could have seen this coming: The husband of Real Housewives of Orange County's Tamra Barney has filed for divorce, claiming his wife was verbally abusive and unfaithful. [Radar]
• Stephanie Pratt is going to be one busy girl. Following her arrest for DUI in October, her lawyers struck a plea deal and she has now been sentenced to three years probation, a 12-week alcohol education program, and eight weeks of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings three times a week. [People]
• David Hasselhoff is leaving America's Got Talent to work on his own television show. A new version of Celebrity Rehab, perhaps? [Us]
• A creditor's claim has been filed against DJ AM's estate by Loyal Pennings—a partner of DJ AM's in a Law Vegas nightclub venture—saying the estate owes him more than $550,000. [TMZ]
• Remember that whole war between Norah Jones and her Cobble Hill neighbors and the city Landmarks Perservation Commission? Well, they've come to a compromise, and Jones will be allowed to have seven new windows on one side of her house, not 10. Phew! [NYP]