• Nearly three years ago, Lindsay Lohan scrawled "Scarlett [Johansson] is a bloody cunt" on a bathroom wall at the Dark Room on the Lower East Side. Allure finally asked Johansson about the incident: "I don't know what the motivation was behind that. I remember it was something really vulgar—I mean, shockingly so, like 'Whoa, what, who are you?'"
  • Michael Jackson thought that sheikh from Bahrain sent him $7 million as "gifts" and not in connection with a record contract he signed. The sheikh helpfully wrote some songs for the singer to record. [Sun]
  • Prince is being sued for $2.5 million for not appropriately promoting a perfume, as promised. [AP]
  • Don't worry about Courtney Love's 60 blog posts in one weekend, she's not suicidal, she just had a "depression attack." [ET]
  • Madonna's muscled, tightly-drawn skin might look gnarly to you, but it's worth $10 million to Louis Vuitton. [P6]
  • Britney Spears sounds like she kinda misses her insane days, a feeling that is itself probably some kind of condition: "There's no excitement, there's no passion... It's just like Groundhog Day every day." [Sun]
  • Paris Hilton was all nuzzly with her Greek shipping heir ex-boyfriend in Miami. [R&M]
  • Angelina Jolie was all exhausted from shooting her movie, and Brad Pitt looked tired too, so Jolie ended up talking about her dead mother and crying, at a press conference. Everyone was very sad but kept taking pictures The End. [Daily Mail]
  • In a total non-publicity-stunt, Forbes named Suri Cruise Most Powerful Tot Under Age Five. That she's immune (at age two) from jokes about how this relates to her Scientology rank only adds to her influence. [Hollyscoop]
  • Britain's Daily Mail in retracting a story about David Duchovny supposedly having a six-month affair with his tennis instructor. [People]
  • Heather Locklear was formally charged with driving under the influence. Police said she was under the influence of prescription drugs only. [X17]