It's reconciliation day: Letterman invited Leno, Madonna offered to visit Guy Ritchie and even Marc Jacobs dropped the drama. Tom Cruise is still kind of a bastard, though.

  • Tom Cruise reportedly chose to hold the Valkyrie premier at Jazz at Lincoln Center specifically to foil anti-Scientology protests. The venue has no big outdoor red carpet to disrupt. As a surprise bonus for Cruise, demonstrators thought "Jazz at..." was still at Lincoln Center (as opposed to Time Warner Center). [Scoop]
  • David Letterman invited Jay Leno to come on Late Show as a guest back when it looked like Leno would be leaving NBC. Leno declined because it would hurt Conan O'Brien's feelings. [Times]
  • Madonna will bring her kids to Britain for Christmas to be with ex-husband Guy Ritchie, but only if she also gets to bring Alex Rodriguez along as well. As, you know, a "friend." [Sun]
  • Marc Jacobs enjoyed a dignified night out with his longtime boyfriend. MAN BITES DOG WTF?! [P6]
  • Ryan Phillippe is going to Australia for a family Christmas with the actress he met while still married to Reese Witherspoon, lending the movie-set romance an even greater degree of Brangelinism. [P6]
  • Axl Rose promises to promote his new record late next year, when it won't be new anymore. Just to kinda screw with his record label some more. [Sun]
  • A hospital agreed to pay Dennis Quaid $750,000 for giving an overdose of blood thinner to his newborn twins. [AP]