It's no wonder this unreleased "Speedfit" workout video was banned from YouTube: It's as embarrassing as rumored and contains an incriminating recording of her business manager to boot.

The singer-turned-actress made the video during a 2005 lull in her career prior to the release of the Dukes of Hazard, the box-office-topping movie in which she had a starring role. Simpson and/or her father and manager Joe later had a change of heart, and Simpson used her contractual control over "final cut" of the video to prevent its release.

Angry Speedfit owner Alex Astilean then told Us Weekly Joe and Jessica were "hurting millions of fat people in America," and someone anonymously told Scoop "Jessica was a mess during that [workout video] shoot... the worst thing in the world would be for that tape to get out."

The video shows that the mess is not entirely Simpson's fault; Astilean's thick accent obscures one question so badly a wide-eyed (and apparently unrehearsed) Simpson is left to sputter, "No. [Pause.] Yes? [Pause.] I don't know!... I'm so confused about 'a horse' right now."

Far more disastrous: A separate telephone recording attached to the video purportedly reveals Simpson business manager David Levin telling Astilean "you would be justified in calling [Jessica Simpson] a 'bitch,' in calling Joe an 'asshole...'" and saying Joe intends to screw him over on the deal.

If Jessica objects to this video, it likely has little to do with her on-camera confusion or apparent bare-knuckled business tactics, and everything to do with the contrast between her body five years ago and her post-Speedfit look today.