Stray Black Cats Roam London Selling Video Games

Oh boy, this has instantly become our new favorite trend in advertising: Catvertising. It's advertising, on "trained" cats. The catch: fools, you cannot train a cat!
This news comes to us from the far-away land of England, and from the far-away time of last week, which does not make it any less newsworthy from a catvertising perspective:
Warner Bros has revealed that it plans to advertise its forthcoming shooter, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, via a clowder of black cats around London on the game's launch day on Friday 13.
Shamelessly branded a ‘cat-vertising campaign', the scheme will see the specially trained black moggies sporting F.E.A.R. 2 cat clothing, and then roaming the streets of London.
Ha! And below we have two more photographs [via Electric Pig] of these black-clad beasts, who doubtless are still roaming the streets of London, never to be captured by their owners again. You cannot train cats and that's all there is to it! Catvertising is awesome.