Vanity Fair Oscar Party Obliterates Competition

The Vanity Fair Oscar party was, this year more than ever, the center of the celebrity vortex, devouring other party-throwers Prince, Elton John, Madonna and adorable twitterering couple Demi and Ashton.
- Everyone wanted to be at Vanity Fair's Oscar party, even people the magazine has slammed in print. People left Madonna, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's party early to attend. And Prince gave up on his own party, moving it to a nightclub. [P6]
- Elton John went to the Vanity Fair Oscar party. It's not clear if he also attended the Elton John Oscar party. He was joined by a drinking-and-swaying Natalie Portman and a comedy clique of Sacha Baron Cohen, Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Silverman, Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill, who made jokes about pot, Jewish culture and masturbation. [Gatecrasher]
- How cool is Sean Penn? Too cool to go to the Oscar party thrown by Milk's producers. By now you can guess which party he was at, smoking and talking to Mickey Rourke. [P6]
- Penn to Madonna, on meeting her 22-year-old Brazilian lover: "Another kid already?" [Sun]
- Madonna did something serious to her face right before the Oscars. [Gatecrasher]
- If Parker Posey tips you less than 500 percent, she does not think you are cute. [P6]
- Pars Hilton ambushed Robert Pattinson of Twlight fame and did something ungodly to him in a garden after an hour of "deep conversation." Even the Olsen twins were shocked. [Mirror]
- Apparently there was a Beyonce nipple slip during the Oscars. [Egotastic]
- Britney Spears smuggled home a pre-paid cell phone to call her scuzzy ex-boyfriends in the middle of the night to complain about her father. [TMZ]