Lindsay Lohan Living In Horrendous Squalor, Confusing the Hell Out of LA Cops

LA police, responding to an alarm at Lindsay Lohan's home, thought the house had been "ransacked," when in fact it was merely the dwelling of a slob. George Clooney parties like an fratty ibanker.
- Poor Lindsay Lohan. Samantha cold left her ass and now she's got nobody to clean up after her. She also can't seem to get Herbie Goes To Pyongyang greenlit, despite its rumored epic new script rewrite, so she's strapped for cash and can't afford to pay for "help". So there's just panties and bras and oblong vegetables laying around all over the place. It's so bad that when the cops showed up to investigate a tripped alarm, they thought someone had just tore the place all up looking for cocaine or something, when in fact it was just Lindsay being Lindsay. So sad. (TMZ)
- George Clooney went out for a few drinks to celebrate his 48th birthday and wound up drinking a bunch of vodka and Patron and then the next thing you know he was blowing chunks all over the place in the VIP area of a club. (Daily News)
- Megan Fox is just sick and tired about people talking about how hot she is. Seriously, you people need to just stop it right now! (UK Sun)
- The 60k per month KFed gets from Britney just isn't enough. (Dlisted)
- Reading David Foster Wallace's work was "the moment of truth" in John Krasinski's life. (Starpulse)
- Courtney Love is sporting bizarre head gear these days. (PITNB)
- Eminem says he considered committing suicide during a recent battle with drug and alcohol addiction. (Mirror)
- Kevin Smith would like to watch Star Trek actor Chris Pine fuck his wife. (EOnline)