Burger King is selling sandwiches with blowjobs. Various female sex symbols orgasmically consume burgers in TV ads. What next? Hardee's asks you to "Name our Holes." Hardee's executives love to fuck biscuit dough.

A Biscuit Hole is a bit of biscuit dough "rolled in cinnamon and sugar and served with icing for dipping." In a press release, Brad Haley, Hardee's executive vice president of marketing, said: "They really are irresistible and it's almost impossible to eat just one." (Must. Not. Comment.) He added: "But what to call them was a big challenge. One of my favorite options was 'Biznuts,' a cross between 'biscuits' and 'donuts,' since the closest thing to them are donut holes."

Ha, how about you call them "Vaginas and Anuses?" Ha. People will want to eat them then I bet! Ha. Right after they ejaculate into them!