You people always have something slick to say about our ads. You think you're so fucking smart? You figure out the ads, then. We'll just sit here while you work for free. Uh, we mean...Do the Dewmocracy™!

At some point while we weren't looking, Ad Age reports, Mountain Dew apparently let you, the consumer, come up with three new flavors for it? "Distortion, Whiteout and Typhoon?" Which are undoubtedly terrible? Anyhow, now they're also letting you, the con-Dew-mer, go online and pick the ad agency to make the campaign for these terrifying "flavors," all in the name of connecting the consumer public with the brand image interactivity category extension dialogue Twitter Facebook engagement crowd-sourcing.

And here it is, the future of advertising: 12-second user-generated brand worship clips, at no cost to PepsiCo. You finally got what you asked for, America. YOU'RE A STAR.
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