Papa Lohan's acting out coincided with LiLo's "rock bottom." The search for Andrew Koenig continues. Russell Brand leaves Katy Perry "bedridden" for days. Lady Gaga wants to make babies with her stylist. Tuesday gossip is in need of a father figure.

  • Lindsay Lohan told all about her drug abuse to The Sun: "I tried to mask my problems with alcohol, cocaine and mind-altering substances." She hit "rock bottom" "when my father was going public." (Subtle laying of blame? I mean, it obviously was his fault.) She went to rehab three times, including one time that she took Ambien, turned on the bathtub, then woke up on the bathroom floor in a watery swamp. "When I woke up I was so scared, I called my therapist and said, 'Can I just go somewhere for a month?'" She's learned how to dump bad influences (Samantha Ronson? Nicole Richie? We want names!) and is "allowed to drink now but I know my limits." [Sun]
  • Now, LiLo is addicted only to shots of Vitamin B12. Isn't that the stuff from carrots? Is this a new fad diet? She's chain smoking, too. [P6]
  • Katy Perry says Russell Brand leaves her "bedridden most of the week." Eww. "He's a walking genius. Just standing next to him makes me smarter." Aww. (But kinda "eww," too.) [ShowBizSpy]
  • Vancouver police have been flooded with Andrew Koenig sightings ever since they went public with the Growing Pains star's disappearance over the weekend. Some of the sightings sound pretty wild but cops say they're still looking "for a living person." Meanwhile, a Brooklyn friend says Koenig returned borrowed items and had good-bye-ish interactions before going to Vancouver. [TMZ] [NYDN
  • At least one tabloid editor says he's "thinking twice before printing lies" about Brangelina. Judging by yesterday's Angelina plastic surgery story, the honeymoon is already over. [NBN second item]
  • This is a new take on movie promotions. Johnny Depp is taking a break from the Alice in Wonderland circuit to advocate for "three men convicted of murdering three boys in a suspected satanic ritual," in part due to their love of heavy metal and Stephen King. One man is on death row; the other two have life sentences. Depp is going on 48 Hours Mystery to say the trial wasn't fair; he joins peculiar company of Winona Ryder, Metallica, and the Dixie Chicks in this cause. I sort of think they could find a better advocate than Johnny Depp, though. He's kinda satan-y, himself. [P6]
  • Lady Gaga is ready to make babies and have a husband, and once considered "style collaborator Matthew Williams" for the role (can you believe her stylist is straight?) but "mixing work and love became too difficult" so now she's back on the market. [ShowBizSpy]
  • Sen. Chuck Schumer opened his car door all fast and almost killed two scooter riders, who cursed him out until they suddenly realized it was a famous person, and got all quiet. [P6]
  • Remember how yesterday's Philippe-Cornish break-up spin was that he was a family man, and she ran out without reason? Looks like Abbie's people are firing back: Ryan partied constantly and cheated. Gatecrasher is on Abbie's side: "We'll say: Most recently, Phillippe was out and about in NYC, and Cornish was nowhere in sight." [Gatecrasher]
  • Pee Wee Herman got caught going 50 in a 35MPH zone. He was driving a 2009 Lexus. No word whether he honked a laugh. [TMZ]
  • Charlie Sheen's wife Brooke Mueller is suing her rehab facility for leaking info about her stint there. Rehab-to-the-stars joints must be so used to this particular legal battle. [TMZ]
  • Arizona Cardinals wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald got out of five traffic tickets because cameras revealed the driver was a white guy and thus could not be him. This is the first time that driving while black got someone off the hook. [TMZ]
  • David Remnick strenuously disagrees with the characterization of his forthcoming Obama book as a "pimped out" version of that one New Yorker article. It will be "pumped up," he says. It's all pomp to me. [P6]
  • Producers for Ellen and The View are fighting for Oprah's time slot, and right now The View is winning because Joy Behar is on fire these days. Did you know Joy is from Williamsburg, Brooklyn? Back when it was an Italian neighborhood. She's O.G. [NBN]
  • "You became gay in the '70s" is how 58-year-old B-52's frontman Fred Schneider explains being a gay of the certain age. He came out to his mom and she said "Oh I know, Freddie." So he was like, "Well, OK. I guess I'll go back outside and smoke some pot." [Popeater]