We know that you're plotting your course to the Fashion's Night Out event closest to you tomorrow night. We have a way to make it even more fun. Join our scavenger hunt, snap some pictures, and you could win cash!

Well, not cash money, but the lucky winner of the contest will walk away with a $250 Visa Gift Card, which should be able to cover the purchase of a sock or half a scarf or something. Here's how to play.

Below is a list of things that you should be able to spot at the various Fashion's Night Out events taking place around the country tomorrow night. (Some of these things will be easier to spot in NYC, so we'll expect a bit more from the New Yorkers who participate in the contest.)

Take pictures of as many of these objects as possible and the person who comes up with the most/best pictures will walk away with the prize.

  • Any Vogue editor. Bonus points for either AndrĂ© Leon Talley or Grace Coddington. If you get a pic of a smiling Anna Wintour, you may win instantly.
  • A celebrity doing something menial, for example bartending, handling clothes, or talking to people who aren't other celebrities.
  • A fashion designer whose name most people would recognize.
  • A mirror with white powder on it.
  • A sign advertising an actual sale.
  • An Olsen twin. Bonus points if they're together (see above) and extra special bonus points if you spot the exotic third Olsen.
  • An older gentleman purchasing something for a pretty lady. (Or an older man buying something for a strapping young man.)
  • An autograph from someone with a recognizable name.
  • A really ugly garment that costs more than $1,000.
  • A model ingesting calories. Don't worry, drinking (other than water) counts.
  • Someone who has taken a bulky Fashion's Night Out T-Shirt and doctored it to look cute.
  • A PR girl actually working.
  • Someone in a ridiculous "cutting edge" or "avant-garde" outfit. Bonus points if it's a fashion student, super bonus points if it's Lady Gaga.
  • A shirtless male model. Bonus points if you get his phone number (even a fake one) and send us a picture.
  • A really cool store display.
  • A reporter conducting an interview with a tape recorder and/or iPhone.
  • A retail employee who looks pissed off that they have to work late and there are all these people making a mess in their fucking store.
  • Any former or current Project Runway contestant. Actually any reality star will do.
  • A dog in a purse. Bonus points if you get it soiling something in a store.
  • A woman wearing an outfit that she thinks is "fashiony," but we think is horrendous.
  • A pair of feet in high heels that look positively tortured. Pictures of high heels stuck in escalators, subway grates, or other tight spots also count.
  • A bedbug in a major retailer/department store. It won't just help you win, it's a public service.
  • A line at least 20 people-long. The longer the line the more bonus points you get.
  • Anyone throwing a tantrum.
  • Real food being served at an event.
  • Sarah Jessica Parker in any state or in any place.
  • A performance taking place somewhere unexpected.

That's your assignment, kiddos. Now here's how to turn it in. You can either upload the photos in the comments section of this post or you can email them directly to us at fno@gawker.com. Be sure to send captions for each photo so we know where they were taken and what we're looking at. And please keep in mind that anything you email us could wind up on the site (although we won't post your name, naturally).

The winner will be chosen on Monday afternoon by the completely biased judging board comprised of Brian Moylan and Maureen O'Connor. Standard Contest Rules apply. Good luck out there, and happy hunting!