Pom, the maker of wildly expensive pomegranate juice products, is suing the Federal Trade Commission for infringing on Pom's First Amendment right to tell you, the consumer, any old thing about how great pomegranate juice is.

Last July, the FTC put out new "consent orders" that some in the food business think will prohibit them from telling you about the amazing, nay, magical superpowers of the antioxidants in pomegranate juice, for example. So Pom is suing, claiming the FTC is infringing on their "non-deceptive speech." There is no irony to be found here, right?

Pom's penchant for filing lawsuits goes beyond government entities. Pom has sued several of its competitors — Welch's, PepsiCo's Tropicana and Coca-Cola Co.'s Minute Maid, to name a few — for falsely advertising the health benefits of their juices.

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