Iranian Nuclear Scientist: World's Most Dangerous Job?

One Iranian nuclear scientists was killed today and another was seriously injured in separate, simultaneous car bomb attacks. Did we do that?
[Iranian news service] Fars said scientists Majid Shahriari and Feiredoun Abbasi were parking their cars in separate locations near the university campus around 7:45 a.m. local time, accompanied by their wives. According to witnesses, each car was approached by a group of men on motorcycles, who attached explosives to the vehicles and detonated them seconds later.
Uhhh, no, sounds perfectly random. Another Iranian nuclear scientist was killed by a motorcycle bomb in January, which the government there also blamed on the US and/ or Israel. On a per capita basis, Iranian nuclear scientists have an alarmingly high rate of violent death. The NYT notes the inauspicious timing of today's killings: "In an apparent coincidence, the latest bombing came a day after leaked State Department documents quoted several Arab leaders as urging the United States to attack Iran's nuclear facilities."
I don't know. Doesn't sound like anything that we or our allies would be involved in.
[Photo: AP]