McDonald's to Make Japan as Healthy as Idaho

McDonald's (formerly "The United States Department of Health") has plans for Japan. Big plans. Idaho big. With a hash brown on top.
If there's one thing Japanese people love, it's vending machines that sell the used underwear of barely legal girls. That's so racist. If there's another thing Japanese people love, it's authentic American hamburgers.
McDonald's Holdings Co. (Japan) Ltd. rolled out its Big America 2 campaign last week, featuring four burgers named after U.S. locales. The Idaho burger, which will make its debut by the end of this month, features a quarter-pound beef patty, melted cheese, a deep-fried hash brown, strips of bacon, onions and pepper-and-mustard sauce. The calorie count: 713.
There's also a "Miami" burger with tortilla chips on top of it! The story notes that 23% of Japanese adults are overweight, compared to nearly 70% of American adults. For now. [WSJ]