Here's just the latest sign that our campaign finance laws are healthy in every way the Founding Fathers could have imagined: A secret company that no one knows anything about has given Mitt Romney's SuperPAC $1 million and quickly dissolved into nothingness. The folks behind this fly-by-night operation are probably relaxing on a beach in Mexico by now! Oh man.

The company that donated the $1 million to Restore Our Future, the SuperPAC Mitt Romney's buddies have set up for his campaign, was W Spann LLC, formed in March. "The corporate records provide no information about the owner of the firm, its address or its type of business," NBC News reports:

Six weeks later, W Spann LLC made its million-dollar donation to Restore Our Future - a new so-called "super PAC" started by a group of former Romney political aides to boost the former Massachusetts governor's presidential bid. It listed its address as being in a midtown Manhattan office building that has no record of such a tenant.

The Boston lawyer, Cameron Casey, dissolved the company on July 12 - two weeks before Restore Our Future made its first campaign filing of the year reporting the donation from the now-nonexistent company, the corporate records show.

"I don't see how you can do this," said Lawrence Noble, the former general counsel of the Federal Election Commission, when asked about the contribution from the now defunct company.

Every story about our insane campaign finance system should include a quote from a sad, exasperated guy with the last name "Noble" asking how any of this is legal.

[Image via AP]