With the one and only "superlawyer" Gloria Allred by her side, former National Restaurant Association employee Sharon Bialek today shared her tale of receiving unwanted, aggressive sexual advances from Herman Cain in 1997.

Bialek claims that after she lost her job, she went to Cain personally and asked for help finding a new job. In Gloria Allred's words, "Mr. Cain instead decided to try to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package." Very good, Gloria. (Ugh.) Then it was Bialek's time to speak. From Politico:

Bialek detailed Cain's sexual overture, explaining that he spent money on a palatial hotel suite for her at the time of their meeting. When they saw each other in the evening, Bialek said he his hand on her leg, "reached for [her] genitals" and pushed her head toward his crotch.

When Bialek objected, Cain asked her: "You want a job, right?"

Bialek called on Cain to "come clean about what you did," saying: "Mr. Cain, I implore you, make this right.

[There was a video here]

You can watch Bialek share details of her evening with Herman Cain in the clip to your left. Do note that she wasn't an employee at the time of the incident, which doesn't make the story any less gross — if it's true. Allred did, however, hold up what she said were two signed affidavits affirming the story.

[Photo via AP]