Halfwit tabloid sex perv Andrea Peyser has a major Republican sex fetish. Yes, fine, that's a matter of record. But Andrea is, first and foremost, a professional sexxx journalist, and she takes that duty quite seriously. So it's alarming to learn that—in Andrea's unbiased opinion—Sharon Bialek (pictured), who yesterday accused Herman Cain of sexual assault, is a gold-digging slutty slutwhore bad mom welfare queen (and ugly).

Sharon Bialek is 50, out of work and, according to one who knows her, she's a smooth operator living way above her means. From the look of her heavily painted face, she's also soon to be in acute need of a new tub of eyeliner.

This slut doesn't sound trustworthy at all! Give us more of your firsthand expert whorenalysis, Andrea:

Bialek pranced into the Friars Club yesterday with lawyer — who else? — Gloria Allred aboard patent-leather do-me pumps... a gal who's read too many bodice-rippers... recounted with a broad grin the night back in 1997 when she flirted like a tart with the "inspirational" Mr. Cain... she comes from a lower-middle-income family, but lives in a posh apartment running from bill collectors... ""This is a lady who lives off the system."

Finally, the real story that the mainstream media wants to hide from you, but which Andrea Peyser has ferreted out journalistically by 1) watching this lady speak at a press conference and 2) quoting "someone who knows" her: Sharon Bialek is a gold-digging welfare queen/ whore. (And ugly.) Sometimes the truth is harsh.

The sad part is that Bialek has a 13-year-old son who must live with the shame and media scrutiny.

Won't someone (besides Andrea Peyser) think of the children?

[NYP. Photo: AP]