Remember how BP's relentless pursuit of profits at the expense of safety caused the Gulf of Mexico to be flooded with oil a little while ago? No. I don't remember that. Do you? Hmm. What I do remember is BP's absolutely awesome Olympic spirit!

Brian Steinberg reports that all that messy poisonous oil has been washed away, mentally, by BP's super patriotic Olympic ad campaign. Anybody who's down with Lolo Jones is A-OK with us!

BP, the widely vilified oil company whose reputation took a drubbing in 2010 for the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf Of Mexico, has seen negative perceptions of its brand reversed during the first part of the Olympics, according to a survey conducted by YouGov BrandIndex... BP saw its score go from a negative 5.9 in the week prior to the Olympics to a positive 2.6 during the first week of the games.

Nobody supports the USA like British Petroleum!

[Ad Age]