
Happily Ever After

Foster Kamer · 06/06/09 05:45PM

On Tuesday, the New York Times' hosted a party for same-sex couples whose weddings have been featured in the Times' Weddings pages. has a wonderful, picturesque gallery of the attendees (including former NJ Governor Jim McGreevy). [

Cougar Bride Apparently Ageless

Sheila · 10/13/08 04:28PM

Rebecca Gomez of Fox Business's Happy Hour, 41, married a 31-year-old gentleman last weekend. Not that we'd know that from reading their NYT wedding announcement—as Portfolio points out, her age isn't listed in the announcement, although his is... (The Times' policy is to list the ages of both bride and groom.) [Portfolio]

That Nanny Diaries Girl Just Got Married; Why Haven't You?

Sheila · 07/07/08 09:52AM

Nicola Kraus, 33, who co-wrote the Nanny Diaries (later a Scarlett Johansson film!) with Emma McLaughlin, is in the Vows section of the Times this Sunday. She used to date "toxic freak shows," she says—but now she's married to a cute guy, David Wheir, so that's all behind her. Up until her wedding, she was suffering from that modern problem of being successful in every area but love (just like the main character in every chick-lit book!)

Media Wedding of the Year

ian spiegelman · 05/18/08 12:02PM

Yesterday marked the merger of two rising lieutenants in Manhattan's Media Mafia as The New York Observer's Spencer Morgan and Vanity Fair executive fashion editor Alexis Bryan were married in Houston. But just who are these two newlyweds, really?

Wedding Announcements So Compelling They Made A Movie

alexisss · 01/28/08 09:27AM

MOST UNLIKELY SIDE PROJECTS COUPLED WITH WORST DJ NAME: The last graf of the otherwise hum drum Katherine Applegarth and Matthew Simons wedding (she's a marketing and business consultant; he's an assistant professor of emergency medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine) read: "The bride is also a founding member of the Suburbia Roller Derby league of Westchester County, using the name Rat-Tat-Kat. The bridegroom is a D.J. known as G-Funk, playing at bars and clubs in Brooklyn and Manhattan."

Multi-ethnic-est Couple And Other Awards

internalexis · 01/21/08 01:22PM

Alexis Swerdloff hands out awards to the couples who celebrated their nuptials with a write-up this weekend in the New York Times.

Alixandra Smith & Daniel Richenthal Are A Success!

aswerdloff · 12/18/07 01:50PM

The Weddings and Celebrations in the Sunday 'New York Times' are a textual analysis-rebuffing, context-free and statistically random series of events described objectively that have nothing to do with the fact that you're single and still using that one dirty towel after you shower. You HUMAN FILTH. Intern Alexis judges the vows.

Martha Sutphen And Richard Stock Have Something To Sort Out

aswerdloff · 12/03/07 01:00PM

The weekly Weddings and Celebrations section in the 'New York Times' is your guide to who is superior to you—and who is worse than whom. But don't you know: They're all winners, because they're newly-married, and you're single again, or thinking about a divorce, and just generally losing all the time. It's like the brilliant Ann Magnuson always said: Maybe you should have married Junior, the Vietnam vet parking attendant! Would it be so bad?

Joshua Stein · 11/23/07 10:40AM

Remember that guy A.O. Scott, the Times critic we gave thanks for on Wednesday? This is what I found out about him at Thanksgiving. First, he's the son of Joan Wolloch Scott and Donald Scott. She is the smart-sounding Harold F. Linder Professor at the School of Social Science in the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ. Donald Scott is the less-smart sounding (but equally smart) Professor of American History at CUNY. But you could get all that you could get from Wikipedia. This, you can't: On A.O. Scott's wedding day ten or so years ago BOTH his parents announced they were gay. Apparently smart people can have bad timing. This also explains A.O.'s very tortured and complex relationship with Margot at the Wedding!