Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Andy Dick's Coachella Beerjacking
Seth Abramovitch · 05/02/06 08:08PM
While some of us stayed far away from the heat and crowds of the Coachella festival, our Madonna, Ladytron and Daft Punk-loving (read: gay sex-having) contingent did manage to brave the crush of humanity for the communal experience of $7 draft beers, endless Porta-Potty lines, and the privilege of having the future ex-Mrs. Richie ask us "motherfuckers" how her "ass looked." ("Good," we responded, but we don't think she could hear us over the other 50,000 people chiming in with their own thoughts on the matter.) In any case, things could have been much worse, as we realized after reading this report sent in by a Defamer operative: A traumatic festival run-in with Andy Dick, who was still sporting fresh war wounds from his latest intoxicant-fueled tavern rumble, and was apparently looking to start another: