
'Idol' Gives Back ... To Itself?

Paula Dixon · 04/07/08 01:05PM

See Brad Pitt! See Miley Cyrus! See Mariah Carey! Apparently the only thing you can't see at "Idol Gives Back" are last year's accounting records. For the past month, Fox has blasted viewers with constant reminders that last year's American Idol charity show pulled in $76 million. Yet, according to the New York Times, less than half of this money has actually been distributed to the nine charities involved and, "Some $5 million of last year's proceeds and interest remains undistributed."

Violent Outbreaks Occur Between Warring Factions Of Brangelina's Brood

Molly Friedman · 04/03/08 03:45PM

We are shocked (shocked!) to hear this, but word on the street is that the lovely and ever-growing multicultural soccer team united by Brad and Angelina isn't exactly getting along of late. According to Star, animosity and friction is growing among the four little Jolie-Pitts, with personalities growing bolder and fights getting messier. And, unsurprisingly, The Chosen One is allegedly on the brunt of most blows. Most disturbing of all? As a source claims, those cushy lips of hers are only getting bigger as a result of actual physical blows from her siblings:

Brad Pitt Unfazed By Ex's 'Echo'

employeemegan · 04/01/08 02:10PM

· Brad Pitt's shingle, Plan B in name only (we're looking at you, Aniston), buys rights to David Grann manuscript, "Lost City of Z," for Pitt to produce and star in. [Variety]
· Helen Mirren and Christopher Plummer replace Meryl Streep and Anthony Hopkins in Tolstoy biopic The Last Station, putting the production down two Oscars but up two Golden Globes (wink!). [Variety]

Jennifer Aniston To Launch New Production Company, Armed With Revenge Fantasies And Cinematic Sneak Attacks

Molly Friedman · 04/01/08 01:15PM

As Jennifer Aniston announced her plans to launch a new production company called Echo Films with longtime producing partner Kristin Hahn (formerly partners with Aniston and Brad Pitt at Plan B), we couldn't help but notice a running theme associated with the majority of their projects in the works. It seems that recent disses from Angelina Jolie and those gushy rumors in all the weeklies claiming she's fallen for (yet failed to nab) co-star after co-star have inspired Echo to pursue production of a number of Women Seeking Revenge Against Men themed films. These flicks will provide Aniston with the opportunity for Aniston to use the power of cinema to address everyone in Hollywood who has labeled her as a Pity Party Girl. After the jump, we take a closer look at the projects they've lined up to get a sense of what kinds of stories Aniston wants to tell moviegoers.

Heath Ledger's Australian Love Child

Ryan Tate · 03/31/08 03:40AM
  • Heath Ledger may have a love child in Australia, the late actor's uncle said, which would mean he has two children. Isn't that straight out of Lost? I mean, except for the part about Heath fathering the child while 17 and still in grammar school with a woman eight years older who already had a boyfriend. [Daily Telegraph via HollyScoop]

Us Calls Bullshit on Star!

ian spiegelman · 03/30/08 08:43AM

Star overlord Bonnie Fuller is getting her ass kicked this morning. "Online reports that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt tied the knot in New Orleans Saturday are 'complete and total bulls—t,' a source tells Us. 'Bottom line, they aren't even in New Orleans.'"

Brangelina Married! No it's Not!

ian spiegelman · 03/30/08 07:13AM

The poor, poor bastards Star magazine spent Saturday evening furiously shoving out their scoop that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had gotten married in New Orleans yesterday. It was "an intimate wedding ceremony in the couple's adopted city" editor-in-chief and horrible person Bonnie Fuller's scribes report. And that got the kids at People magazine crazy! A couple hours later, they had tracked down a "source" who declared "There was no wedding." Then Star got slammed with The People's Elbow when the rag claimed that Brangelina wasn't even in New Orleans yesterday!

The Latest Additions To The Neverending Roster Of Brangelina Family Members Are ... Barack Obama And Hillary Clinton?

Molly Friedman · 03/25/08 07:28PM

Brangelina has yet to officially support any of the current presidential candidates, but now that they have learned that they're related to two of them, we can expect that an endorsement (or two!) is forthcoming. According to the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Brad Pitt is "ninth cousins" with Barack Obama, and Angelina Jolie is coincidentally "ninth cousins" with Hillary Clinton. So will the couple happily add the Dems to their "soccer team" or will the wildly varying family trees tear 'em apart? After a bit of research, we discovered that even if the pair did welcome them into their many homes with welcome arms, one of the candidates isn't quite as enraptured with the Jolie-Pitts as the rest of the world...

Just How Big Will 'The Chosen Two' Make Angelina Jolie, Anyway?

Molly Friedman · 03/11/08 04:46PM

It's been nearly two months since we first heard about The Chosen Two's impending arrival, but judging from the size of Angelina Jolie's widening waistline, we suspect Brad's super sperm went into baby-making action a bit earlier than that. Seen yesterday shopping for books in Austin, Texas, Angelina's belly seems to be expanding at an exponential rate not yet seen in celebrity pregnancies. Which got us thinking, what if we saddled Jolie up next to J. Lo and Julia Roberts just before they burst? That way, we can begin to suss out just what size muumuu to FedEx to Casa Brangelina come spring.

Diablo Cody Wasn't The Only Former Stripper To Win An Oscar This Year

Molly Friedman · 03/07/08 12:18PM

Haven't you heard? Stripping is back en vogue again (again)! Partly thanks to Ms. Busey-Hunt herself, the IdolStripperGate nonsense, and all those former strippers blogging away in support of the feminist cause that is taking your clothes off for money, our slideshow-happy friends at Us Magazine have dredged up the secret pasts of some other former private dancers. And though some may not surprise you (Courtney Love? NO! WAY!), there are also some Hollywood A-listers on their list. Find out after the jump which three Oscar nominees have, at one time or another, had to pull crumpled George Washingtons from their crotches after a long night of hustling.

Mark Graham · 02/27/08 09:24PM

We rarely print email tips verbatim here at Defamer without the appropriate level of contextualization. However, in this instance, we find ourselves rendered speechless (wordless?) by the sheer insanity of this communique that came across the wires last night (something having to do with "braddd Pitt" and "Jen aAniston"). Anyone who wants to take a crack at either deciphering the contents of this missive or guessing who the author might be (full-sized image complete with 30pt. type after the jump), please feel free to do so in the comments. Meanwhile, we'll be busy changing our locks.

Heavily Hyped Showdown Between Aniston and Jolie Fails To Materialize

Molly Friedman · 02/27/08 04:47PM

Poor Jennifer Aniston. After mustering up the courage to show up to a pre-Oscars party where she was supposed to finally come face-to-face with her man-stealing rival Angelina Jolie, the rug got swept out from under her when Jolie failed to show up for the event. But the glossies seem to be getting the angle all wrong. While Us paints Aniston as the victim (their hed: "Angelina Jolie continues to keep the power over Jennifer Aniston"), we have to disagree with their hypothesis. The tabs have relentlessly portrayed Aniston as a helpless single gal who can't catch a break, but the sheer fact that she dared show her face proves once and for all that Jen finally grew a pair. After all, for all Jolie's pre-show talk, when the time came for long-hyped matchup to go down, Angie couldn't walk the walk.

Angelina Jolie At The Independent Spirit Awards: Is That A Baby Bump or Burrito Bloat?

Molly Friedman · 02/25/08 02:41PM

Come ON, Angie. Now you're just teasing us. After countless denials, brush-offs on CNN, and a downright refusal to fess up already, Miss Jolie showed up at the Independent Spirit Awards wearing a dress so tight we could practically see the alleged twinset kicking their way through her pretty tummy. The black form-fitting gown she wore was hardly maternity wear, and made a point to tell us that we are suckers and she is crafty. Not quite an Eff You to the press, but rather a subtle "I Know You Know What I Know" kind of gesture. Personally, we don't think Angie's obligated to shout her knocked up news from the rooftops, and we actually applaud Mrs. Jolie-Pitt's brazenly ostentatious visual shout-out. Click through to see those future Chosen Ones up close and personal.

Serene Britney Spears Doesn't Know Why You Keep Offering Advice

Ryan Tate · 02/18/08 07:58AM

Rumors Of Heavily Anticipated Jolie/Aniston Showdown Overshadow Buzzless Oscar Ceremony

Molly Friedman · 02/14/08 02:20PM

Whether or not Gil Cates is able to pull any tricks from his rumpled sleeves to make this year's Oscar ceremony watchable, there'll be at least one event next weekend guaranteed to get the town buzzing. Us Weekly is reporting that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will be attending a pre-Oscar bash that sworn enemy Jennifer Aniston has also RSVP'd to. You know what this means, people. We're talking catfights, Hills-like confrontations and revenge tattoos galore. At least that's what we're hoping for.

Tracing The Long And Sordid History Of 'Brangelina To Wed' Stories

Molly Friedman · 02/13/08 06:26PM

How many times will it take for the tabloids to breathlessly declare wedding plans for Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt before they realize there's simply no there there? Officially marking the umpteenth time a "source" has claimed the power couple are leaving the Goldie/Kurt School of Long-Term Relationship Success, the National Enquirer is now stating that "Brad proposed again after they discovered they were having twins" and that Angelina "has decided to follow her heart." But before we start envisioning Angelina's maternity wedding dress or how the pair might exchange rings under an African canopy made of recycled diapers and clean needles, let's take a walk down memory lane to see how the tabloids have reported on Brangelina wedding claims over the years:

The Mystery Of Shirtlessness

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/08 05:36PM

What is it about super high fashion magazines that convinces straight male actors to remove their shirts? The latest victim is Ryan Phillippe [Photo via Just Jared], who poses pensively in the new W Magazine, staring out a window with his nipples exposed, hands held abreast as if squeezing two imaginary Big Gulp cups. The same type of thing happened to Brad Pitt in Italian Vogue when he was promoting "Troy" several years ago (examples after the jump). These aren't the kinds of shots you see in GQ, or Esquire, or Shotgun News. Is it a desire to appeal to fashionable women? Or fashionable men? Or some secret spell that only rarefied fashion photographers can cast? What about the ridicule one should inevitable suffer from one's male friends over this? As a fellow straight man, I have no answers here.

CNN Crisscrosses Globe To Ask Angelina Jolie About Iraqi Refugee Crisis, What's Going On With Her Uterus

mark · 02/07/08 02:50PM

Having dispensed with ten or so totally boring minutes discussing the plight of millions of Iraqi refugees with U.N. Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie, CNN correspondent Arwa Damon felt that she'd established enough of a rapport to end their conversation by finally broaching the only subject the network's viewers really care about: "Hey, Angie, are you all knocked up with Brad's beautiful twinsies or what?" From CNN's transcript of Jolie's interview on the refugee crisis:

Oprah Winfrey Trapped In Heated Political Exchange With Gas Station Attendant

Seth Abramovitch · 02/06/08 05:42PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often—the fate of the universe relies upon it! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you stumbled upon Woody Harrelson telling a Yoga studio receptionist about a marvelous new contraption that turns poop into drinking water.