
Craigslist Blackmailer's Other Slutty Schemes

Emily Gould · 11/28/06 05:45PM

Scooping the Post is like taking candy from the proverbial baby: not very challenging, but we'll still totally do it whenever the opportunity presents itself. Ergo, more on Jessica Wolcott's dumb-ass attempts to make herself rich by posting semiwhorey photos of herself on various websites: she also was a member of person-to-person lending site Prosper, where, in a loan request initiated March 27, Jessica mentions she just got $30K:

Craigslist Blackmailer Took Pepsi Challenge

abalk2 · 11/28/06 11:50AM

So it turns out the Craigslist cutie who tried to extort a Fortune 500 exec was going after a Pepsi Bottling Group V.P., allowing the Post to use the charming hed 'POP' TART SCAMS BIGWIG: EXTORT OF CYBERCHEAT PEPSI EXEC." The paper adds little to yesterday's Smoking Gun report save to name the victim and get a quote from the wife ("I can't wait for her to be sentenced. You know, extortion is a bad thing."), who will surely be having the best Christmas ever (we're thinking Lexus). 'Pop' tart Wolcott (okay, it is kind of addictive), on the other hand, faces up to two years in the slammer, but remains free on bond. So all you other Fortune 500 execs trawling Craigslist might want to remain cautious until her February sentencing.

Smoking Hot Craigslist Extortionist Can Blacken Our Mail Anytime

abalk2 · 11/27/06 05:25PM

Apart from the beneficial services it provides in facilitating bad oral sex between coke-having hipsters and the women who would never blow them were it not for the huge pile of drugs they provided, Craigslist has also been invaluable in offering new channels through which one can conduct extortion. Take, for example, this recent story from The Smoking Gun:

New Dating Show Challenges Gays To Resist Urge To Squeal

seth · 11/27/06 05:03PM

The endless entertainment that comes out of humiliating lonely women who choose to take their search for love to national television is the basic working premise of GayDAR, a new dating show currently casting Gays able to resist their temptation to gush about Jennifer Hudson's performance in Dreamgirls long enough to convince their dates they actually have some legitimate interest in vagina:

Defamer Connections: Struggling Luxury Car Dealer Desperate For Union Membership Seeking Career Assistance

mark · 11/22/06 05:43PM

Defamer is committed to bringing together readers who may have some unredeemed SAG vouchers laying around with individuals so desperate to obtain the golden ticket of union membership that they're willing to sacrifice their lucrative days jobs in the pursuit of their Hollywood dreams. Somewhere in the San Gabriel Valley, a struggling actor is offering to swap his power over criminally inflated sticker prices for some career assistance on Craigslist:

Defamer Pawn Shop: Certified Pre-Owned Emmy Still Up For Grabs

seth · 10/25/06 02:45PM

We realize that stumbling upon an unwanted Emmy statuette on Craigslist is about as rare and momentous an occurrence as, say, wandering into the Hyde ladies room on any given night and hearing a voice that sounds a lot like Lindsay Lohan's shouting, "What the hell did I do with that second baggie?!" Still, for some, the trophy carries a great deal of significance—Jeremy Piven, for instance, who's rarely been seen further than five meters from his own since winning one back in August, even breaking it out to use as an impromptu drum stick whenever the urge calls to hit the skins at a local rock club. That said, we're happy to pass along this most recent posting to the ever growing "los angeles craigslist > for sale > awards > emmys" section:

Loose Wires: How to get free stuff at trade shows

Nick Douglas · 10/20/06 06:02PM
  • Latest bullshit startup to ask Valleywag for a plug: Kizmeet, which hopes to help people hook up online through their "missed connections." Kinda like people already do on Craigslist's "missed connections." When I asked Craigslist founder Craig Newmark about his reaction, he said, "The innovation is good, but we already have too many distractions." In other words, why bother thinking about this failure in the making? [Kizmeet]

Write Katie Couric's Blog for Ten Dollars an Hour

abalk2 · 10/17/06 08:10AM

Actually, we have no idea about the identity of the cheap bastard who posted the following offer of employment to craigslist, but we'd love to hear your guesses in the comments. Full listing below, but, Jesus, ten bucks an hour? Babysitters make more than that. Whoever you are, shame, shame, shame, shame on you.

Plane Crash Craigslist Ads: Please Stop Sending Them

Chris Mohney · 10/11/06 06:15PM

Craigslist's censors are working overtime to remove swarms of jokey classified ads for apartments in the building hit by Cory Lidle's plane. Trust us, even discounting the black humor factor, they're not funny. But maybe if we run one, you'll stop clogging up our inbox with the hilarious forwards that came over the interoffice mailing list? Please? OK, deal. Click after the jump if you must, knowing that we in no way endorse the following. We won't bother to link, as the following ad is already gone.

Exclusive: Barry Diller Sacks Hapless HR Worker for Doing Job

Chris Mohney · 10/11/06 01:40PM

Whatever interactive media InterActiveCorp overlord Barry Diller enjoys, it's apparently got nothing to do with Craigslist, or Gawker. Seeking a new executive assistant for Diller, an IAC human resources staffer advertised for the job on tha C-list — totally within bounds, reportedly, for non-confidential positions. We ran the ad here, as we often do for job listings relating to those powerful enough to squash us like the bugs we are. But it turns out the first rule of Barry Diller Club is, you do not talk about Barry Diller Club. The apparent abject humiliation of having the assistant ad on Gawker generated a pulse of executive rage from Diller's office all the way down to the HR caves, where the unfortunate staffer was promptly canned. Just makes working closely with Diller as his assistant sound so much more appealing.

Craigslist's Missed Connections: The Breakdown

Chris Mohney · 10/04/06 10:30AM

The "Missed Connections" of the Craigslist personals provides some of the most richly mined comic/tragic territory in the whole Internets. No surprise, then, that Intern Mary would eventually turn her statistical eye on the section. Short on perversity but long on pathos, we decided to dwell purely on the concrete — namely, where are all these missed connections missing their connection? Whether at work or on the subway (or for those who work on the subway), there are many possibilities. After the jump, a study on which locales feature the highest incidence of frustrated amour.

Craigslist's Miscellaneous Romance: The Breakdown

Chris Mohney · 09/26/06 03:30PM

There are so many ways for humans to get busy together — many of which are undream'd of even by those idle pervs surfing around Craigslist. Since there are only so many sexual categories you can fit in any classifieds taxonomy, many distinct groinal practices get lumped together in Craigslist's "Miscellaneous Romance" section. From run-of-the-mill hatefucks to less standard-issue plastic surgery fetishes, this is the dumping ground for everyone who can't fit in elsewhere. After the jump, Intern Mary takes a crack at sorting out a week's worth of miscellany into a helpful sexual demographesis.

Craigslist's Strictly Platonic: The Breakdown

Chris Mohney · 09/18/06 12:50PM

Unless you count the recent imbroglio over outed sex listings in Seattle, Craigslist provides you with one reliable constant: Everyone just wants a little secure, anonymous intercourse. Ad for a sublease? Sex. Selling a couch? Sex. Dog-sitting? Obviously, sex. But what about that clean, well-lighted place in the Craigslist personals — the section known as Strictly Platonic? Surely that's a refuge for lonely people who just want a little friendly human contact, without the actual physical human contact? "Platonic" is right there in the name, after all. Unfortunately, while sexual grubbing may not be mentioned outright, it's a stretch applying Plato's ideal standard of chaste love to naked spooning, replacement mothering, male housecleaning (or femme lesbian housecleaning), or a solicitation for a "gay sidekick." Not to mention those who definitely desire or offer something in exchange for supposed Platonism, be it paying off student loans, a ticket to a celebrity memorial service, or a human infant.