
abalk · 07/25/07 10:00AM

Rodale—home of Men's Health superhunk Dave Zinczenko and the South Beach Diet—is looking to expand. Bono's Elevation Partners may want in. [NYP]

Julia Allison Has The Skills To Pay The Bills

abalk · 06/27/07 03:48PM

Over at Eat the Press, Rachel Sklar defends Julia Allison from the barbs of those who are astounded or depressed by her new $100K+ a year job as a Star talking head. Julia "knows how to bring it for the camera," says Sklar, and that's what really matters. Ah, feminism!

Emily Gould · 06/27/07 03:43PM

Want to get in Men's Health editor Dave Zinczenko's pants? After all, it might just be your ticket to fame and fortune! Just remember those six important little words: "Your arms are definitely looking bigger." [Yahoo Health]

abalk · 06/20/07 09:58AM

Supposedly formerly cool Details editor Dan Peres doesn't want to be the new Dave Zinczenko, but, okay, he'll "get out there and shill" the new Details men's style book. [WWD]

See Where "Smarthrob" Dave Zinczenko Went To College

Emily Gould · 06/19/07 11:05AM

It's taking us a while to work our way through People's Hottest Bachelors issue because we keep getting distracted by the need to frantically fondle ourselves while staring at an open-shirted shot of Toby Keith, but we finally reached the page that's about why you should date a smart guy. According to Heroes' Masi Oka, who is smart because he went to Brown, "smart guys are going to make every relationship exciting, not just emotionally but physically because there are things that a creative mind has over just a hot smoking body." Okay! Then the next page is given over to a rundown of where some celebrities and "celebrities" matriculated. John Krasinski went to Brown! Ed Norton went to Yale! Wentworth Miller went to Princeton! And Men's Health tv-spokesperson Dave Zinczenko went to ... a college that no one has ever heard of. Apparently it's in Pennsylvania and it places somewhere in the third tier of US News's rankings. Also, he is bad at giving head.

At Least One Hollywood Agent Had Man Boobs

abalk · 06/14/07 10:10AM

After last week's triumphant return to the pages of the Times Styles section, Manhattan upper crust queen Alex Kuczynski gets front page placement with an investigation of gynecomastia, also known as "boy boobies." Apparently, there's a growing epidemic of man-mammarage amongst our nation's youth, probably because kids today are so outrageously fat. The solution? Plastic surgery. The Kucz is clearly in her sweet spot here.

Balk · 05/31/07 10:47AM

Dave Zinczenko becomes a "Jeopardy" question. [WWD]

Dave Zinczenko Will Do You Now

balk · 05/09/07 03:59PM

We're gagging our way through this one, but we'll give it a go: Hey, ladies, looking for that special someone? Ready for a man who's not afraid to commit? Want a hardworking fellow who dreams of having a family someday? Well, you just may be in luck! Thanks to "Extra," if "you're single, sexy and looking for love, here's your chance to score a one-of-a-kind man!" That man? Men's Health editor Dave Zinczenko, a dynamic go-getter, brimming with self-confidence and ready to—ah, we can't do this. We're sure some lucky girl will enjoy the benefits of Dave's subpar tongular ministrations sometime soon. Why not you?

Guns & Blammo

abalk2 · 04/30/07 09:00AM
  • Garden & Gun has less than auspicious debut, arriving as it did just a few days before decidedly unpicturesque massive gun violence at Virginia Tech. [NYT]


Byron "Dan" Worthington III · 04/17/07 10:37AM

I am going to use this column to do something I will never be able to do again—convey my first impressions of intensive Gawker-reading. Until I was asked to consider taking on this job, I had been only a casual reader, mainly clicking on the Stalker map to track the whereabouts of Kelly Ripa (Kelly: I know you love me! Why do you insist on playing these games?). Since that day, I have read more Gawker than is typical of any but the fruitlessly employed and Kurt Eichenwald's lawyer.

Julia Allison Wrestles With Zinczenko Relationship

choire · 04/04/07 11:38AM

It wasn't just Henry the Intern looking foxy at Arianna Huffington's party on Friday night. Men's Vogue fella Hud Morgan was there, too, in a blue blazer, a french cuffed gingham shirt, Nantucket red trousers and a pair of velvet monogrammed slippers. (Sockless, of course.) Mr. Morgan said the shoes "had soles that cost more than your entire closet" but later recanted, because of course he got them for free. (And: was this a "Kennedy clambake in Hyannisport"? one attendee wondered. We just wonder if he can't mate up with similarly-fashioned Dana Vachon. Think of the mix-and-match outfits they could create! It's like preppy Grranimals.) In any event, Mr. Morgan, for some reason, decided to steal former AM NY dating columnist Julia Allison's cellphone.

We Hear That Dave Zinczenko Just Dumped Julia Allison

everyone except balk · 03/29/07 01:02PM

Because she is SCREAMING ABOUT IT on her cellular telephone in our office for no apparent reason. Why? Who let her in here? That is all. Anyway best of luck to our favorite Men's Health editor with his future romances. Oh wait—now apparently she is getting a parking ticket? From a lady cop. Ha! She's not going to sweet-talk her way out of that one.

Media Bubble: 42 West Gets Around

Choire · 03/22/07 09:10AM
  • LAT will spend the day pulling out hair over Brian Grazer guest-edit; their editorial page editor is dating the 42 West publicist who's handled projects for Grazer's Imagine. Straight version: [LAO] Dishy version: [DHD]

Media Bubble: Zinczenko and Tiki To Share Couch?

abalk2 · 02/13/07 09:38AM
  • Magazine circulation for the second half of 2006? Not so good. The big winners were the celebrity weeklies and Men's Health, which may have found a winning strategy in sticking Dave Zinczenko on the "Today Show" every goddamn day. The big losers? Everyone else, particularly Marie Claire, some copies of which reportedly returned themselves. [WWD]

Hot Dave Zinczenko/ Kate White Mutual Favor-Exchanging Action

Emily Gould · 01/05/07 04:10PM

We're almost certain that no one's as sick to death as we are of the tired old 'Men's Health editor Dave Zinczenko = inferior cunnilingus' joke (with the exception, perhaps, of "Adorable" Dave himself). So we were flooded with a mix of emotions when we learned that he'd once again provided us with a perfect setup. In an AdAge piece on how he and Cosmo E in C Kate White will edit sections of each others' respective mags' May issues, Dave describes the switcheroo like so:

Dave Zinczenko: Has Tongue, Will Use

abalk2 · 12/22/06 04:00PM

As a, uh, special treat for those poor suckers still stuck at work, we offer this clip of Men's Health EIC/subpar oral sex provider Dave Zinczenko on this morning's Today Show giving pointers on kissing. We like to pretend that he's actually talking about oral sex. Then we shiver and cross our legs tightly. Go home already.