Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Last Meal Special Edition
mark · 06/01/04 03:09PM
Oh, we do love our cameraphone pics. A reader captures American Idol runner-up/showtune-belting Muppet Diana DiGarmo lunching at Souplantation. We always assumed they just executed the losers on an empty stomach, but it appears that the AI team gives them a reasonably-priced final meal as well. (Click the pic at left for the full-size version.)
Short Ends: Just Talkin'
mark · 05/28/04 05:17PM· MTV: "Oh, that thing where we didn't want to air the Super Size Me commercial? Forget it, somebody fucked up. We totally want it. Who? Um. Johnny Junior-Level-Staffer. He's always screwing things up."
Advertisers Make The World Go 'Round
mark · 05/28/04 04:56PMThank you to this week's advertisers, who are keeping at least one Hollywood degenerate in cheap beer for Memorial Day. If you'd like to advertise on Defamer, send an email here.
Advertiser Roundup
Gawker · 05/28/04 01:50PMWanna advertise? Info here. (Unless you're Wired magazine — they evidently give us the advertising. And for free!)
Paul, Hastings: "Gossips, Backstabbers and Napoleonic Personalities"
Gawker · 05/28/04 11:31AMPaul, Hastings, Janofsky, and Walker, LLP lost a lawyer yesterday. He won't be returning, either, after his farewell memo. "In fact," he writes, "I dare say that I would rather be dressed up like a pinata and beaten than remain with this group any longer."
The Revenge of Ms. Poopy Pants
Gawker · 05/28/04 10:51AMLike Erin O'Brien, the CAA assistant who was fired after her gushy "I work in Hollywood!" story circulated throughout the western world, the story of Ms. Poopy Pants couldn't have spread so far without eager emailers who were willing to spread it.
Rules for the LIRR, Memorial Day Weekend
Gawker · 05/28/04 08:29AMThe weather appears to bite ass, but we'll still be bailing the hell out of Manhattan mid-afternoon with the rest of you. (Although, honestly? We might just skip the mad LIRR rush and take in an early showing of Soul Plane, which is sure to be the Citizen Kane of blacksploitation airline industry films. Seriously — Soul Plane, we're thinking, may be the best summer offering on the docket. We're super-stoked about the silver screen triumph of that Snoopy Dog Dogg fella!)
Hate Mail of The Week — Or the Year
Gawker · 05/28/04 08:20AMThe Story of Poopy Pants elicited lots of reader mail — not all of it friendly. In fact, this might be one of the best pieces of hate mail we've ever gotten. There's definitely a job in our offices for its writer whenever she wants.
Gawker Appoints Special Correspondent on Fashion and Terrorism
Gawker · 05/27/04 02:47PMIn case you only read Gawker — in which case, you're fucked anyway — you've probably heard that you're suppose to prepare yourself for Massive Amounts of Imminent Terrorism. Like, now. Immediately. Whatever!
Gossip Roundup: Michael Lewittes-Phobia
Gawker · 05/27/04 11:00AM· Michael Lewittes, news editor of the Star, is asking for $1.3 million dollars in defamation damages — in part because a vindictive website referred to him as "that closeted editor of a certain paper," Page Six reports from court documents. I call bullshit. Could it be any more fucked up that insinuating a heterosexual is gay is a million-dollar offense? [NYP]
· As we reported on April 19th, a few Spence girls had a good stoney time on a class trip to D.C. Page Six goes the extra mile and names Seagram's heir Edgar Bronfman, Jr.'s daughter as a perpetrator in the incident. [NYP]
· Lloyd Grove reports on conversations at Soho House, the press-shy hotspot — will the good English folk ban the gossip columnist? [NYDN]
· Actress Lindsay Lohan's dad, famous for a recent family brawl, did jail time on three separate occasions. [NYDN]
Hollywood PrivacyWatch: A Very Special 5150 Edition
mark · 05/26/04 04:10PMGossip Roundup: Does Halle Berry Use Brad Pitt's Stunt Butt?
Gawker · 05/26/04 01:05PM· The dirt on Lohan Family Feud: starlet Lindsay Lohan's dad had fisticuffs with his brother-in-law after a family communion. Ah, Catholics. A few drinks after church and they're beating the crap out of each other. [NYDN]
· PR flack claims that Halle Berry doesn't use a body double in the upcoming Catwoman. Right — and neither did Brad Pitt in Troy. Oh wait, yes, old chicken legs totally did. [NYP]
· Liza Minelli spends Paris to New York flight screeching like a banshee. [NYP]
· Mira Sorvino to marry post-teen waiter. Some say she's preggers. Yay, it's a busboy!
Mystery Solved: Why Women Prefer Women Taxi Drivers
Gawker · 05/26/04 10:37AMToday's NYO profiles Iris Javed, one of the few female livery drivers in the City. Why, Iris, do women prefer women as drivers?
Lloyd Grove Loves Page Six, Round IV
Gawker · 05/26/04 09:31AM
This lovely, if chilly, morning finds the tabloid wars heating up — Daily News gossip-boy Lloyd Grove claims the Post's Page Six has nabbed two of his items, and insinuates that someone on Page Six's staff should get disemployed. This is clearly a retaliatory strike after last week's Page Six item about how lazy and shiftless (or something) Lloyd is, which is in revenge for... something or other. It's very Godfather XIV at this point.
Hollywood PrivacyWatch: The Rock In Porntown
mark · 05/25/04 12:53PMDefamer Outage
mark · 05/25/04 11:13AMGossip Roundup: Drowning Tommy Hilfiger
Gawker · 05/25/04 09:35AM· Once again, rock-boy Bryan Adams is living our dream: we wanna push Tommy Hilfiger into the pool. But we also wanna hold his head underwater for a while. (Not for long! Just 'til he apologizes for his crimes against fashion!) [NYP]
· Will Southampton's Jet East open this weekend? Or, not up to code, will its bathroom counters remain forlornly uncoated by coke and model-vomit? [NYDN]
· Someone reportedly has beaten the crap out of someone at Lindsay Lohan's parents' house in Long Island. No word yet on the outcome of the "domestic disturbance." Perhaps her parents freaked over the Great Scar Tissue Debacle. [NYDN]
Remainders: The Parts Want What They Want
Gawker · 05/24/04 03:49PM1. Clay Aiken, now forever known as Chester the Molester. [via Modern Age]
2. Michael Kinsely, the new LA Times ed/op editor, takes down NY Times columnist David Brooks... in the NY Times.
3. Two's a trend: that slutty doll on the cover of David Sedaris's book sure looks familiar.
4. Justin Timberlake, making his serious acting debut on-set as we speak, isn't going to be the next Frank Sinatra.
5. Gothamist launches Chicagoist. Seriously. Expect alderman scandal coverage and... uh... okay, that's it. It's a hard choice between living in Chicago and being buried alive, and I speak from experience on both counts.
Deborah Schoeneman's Birthday Blind Items
Gawker · 05/24/04 09:30AMFrom New York mag's gossip columnist Deborah Schoeneman's birthday party, held Saturday night on the roof of the Gramercy Park Hotel. (Uh, is it just me, or did blind items get a lot less blind while I was on vacation?)