Ariana Grande, the diminutive pop star plagued by demons, recently opened up about leaving the Catholic Church for Kabbalah. "When my brother [Frankie J. Grande] was told that God didn't love him I was like, 'OK, that's not cool,'" she told the Sunday Telegraph. Frankie is an openly gay ex-Big Brother contestant.

Ariana says Kabbalah is the right fit for her and her brother:

They were building a Kabbalah centre in Florida so we both checked it out and really had a connection with it. [Kabbalah] sort of stuck with me. And since then my life has unfolded in a really beautiful way, and I think that it has a lot to do with the tools I've learned through Kabbalah, I really do.

Grande criticized the Catholic Church in an interview last year, noting its aversion to pop culture and independent women:

[The church] said Spongebob Squarepants is gay and he's a sinner and he should burn in hell. And Harry potter was a sin. And working women. I was like "Enough! First the gays, then Spongebob and now Harry Potter? Get out my house!" I was not having it. And the working women thing? It was a moment for me. I needed something else to believe in.

To be clear, "Spongebob Squarepants is gay and he's a sinner" is not official Church doctrine.

When the Telegraph asked if her Kabbalastic beliefs can coexist with her interest in the supernatural, Ariana responded: "Um, it does in my world. Do I believe in demons? I believe in unexplained energies." It's fun to believe!

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