
It's Better in Jersey

cityfile · 12/08/09 08:51AM

It was embarrassing enough that the New York State Senate voted down a bill to legalize gay marriage last week. Now it looks like a similar bill in New Jersey may end up passing before the end of the year, which would make it the sixth state to do so, not to mention remind us all that the land of Tony Soprano is officially more progressive and open-minded than its neighbor on the other side of the Hudson. [NYT, previously]

Gay Marriage Fails

cityfile · 12/02/09 12:33PM

So much for New York's reputation as one of the most liberal and accepting states in the nation. The State Senate defeated a bill that would have legalized same-sex marriage this afternoon after Democrats were unable to convince a single Republican senator to vote for the measure. [NYT]

Steve King, Best McCarthy-Loving Homophobe Ever!

Andrew Belonsky · 09/24/09 02:35AM

Some people hate ultra-conservatives lawmakers because they try to restrict rights, propel hatred and are generally nasty jerks. But there's something to be said for the absurd amount of entertainment one gets from people like loony lawmaker Steve King.