Jon Corzine's Spectacular Failure Just Got More Spectacular
John Cook · 11/01/11 11:43AM
There's no better argument against the privilege of wealth than Jon Corzine, the clownish former Goldman Sachs CEO who thought his facility for extracting money from a rigged financial game entitled him to run the state of New Jersey. After getting roundly rejected by voters after one term, he got a job from a friend running derivatives firm MF Global. Yesterday it went bankrupt. And today we learned that he's lost $700 million of his clients' money.
Kim Kardashian Could Turn Andrea Peyser Lesbian (In Protest)
Hamilton Nolan · 11/01/11 08:27AMGaddafi Was the World's Worst Pen Pal
Adrian Chen · 10/31/11 05:07PMThe Shortest Celebrity Marriages
Brian Moylan · 10/31/11 05:01PM
Kim Kardashian is getting divorced after only 72 days. That's only two and a half months. Apparently celebrities are especially susceptible to being married for very short periods of time. Here are some that were so short they make Kim's look long, and some that lasted a bit longer and make Kim's look short, sort of like when she'd stand next to her future ex, Kris Humphries.
Adam Lambert Fans Will Do Anything for a Copy of This Magazine
Brian Moylan · 10/31/11 04:46PM
When I saw this sign offering $20 for the current issue of The Advocate, the very serious older brother of the gay publishing world, with Adam Lambert on the cover, I thought it was a joke. After all, this is the current issue. But no. It seems the gay singer and mascara addict is creating a worldwide magazine shortage.
Kris Humphries' Unbelievably Pathetic Reaction to Kim Leaving Him
Maureen O'Connor · 10/31/11 04:39PMWas This Sly Chin Move Herman Cain's Sexual Harassment 'Gesture'?
Jim Newell · 10/31/11 04:15PMOccupy Wall Street Applies for Occupy Wall Street™
Adrian Chen · 10/31/11 03:43PMJon Corzine is Still a Miserable, Well-Compensated Failure
John Cook · 10/31/11 11:26AM
Goldman Sachs has taken plenty of well-deserved knocks over the last three years, but the man single-handedly most responsible for damaging the Wall St. giant's reputation hasn't worked there for more than a decade: Having done a tour as a shitty senator and a loathed governor, former CEO Jon Corzine has added failed futures broker to his post-Goldman career.
Herman Cain: The Sexual Harassment Claims
Seth Abramovitch · 10/30/11 09:01PM
Bumbling Republican frontrunner Herman Cain barely had a moment to enjoy a celebratory gust of second-hand smoke after squeezing ahead of the pack at the Iowa caucuses when Politico detonated a giant stink-bomb of an exclusive: Two women who had worked with Cain when he headed the National Restaurant Association in the '90s complained to co-workers and senior association officials of "inappropriate" and "sexually suggestive" behavior directed at them by Cain.
Celebrity Halloween Costume Time Has Begun
Lauri Apple · 10/30/11 04:38PMHave You Picked Your Halloween Costume Yet?
Leah Beckmann · 10/28/11 06:59PM
Halloween isn't until Monday, which means that you still have a couple of days to slap together a quick costume. And do you know what kind of costume is quicker than quick? The kind you buy at a store. No, it's not very creative—and navigating overcrowded costume shops this weekend won't be fun—but at least you'll be appropriately dressed at any Halloween party you attend.
Ashton Kutcher Getting His Own Nightmare YouTube Channel
Leah Beckmann · 10/28/11 05:47PMNicki Minaj Maid Brawl: 'I'll Show You How to Treat Someone Like an Animal'
Maureen O'Connor · 10/28/11 11:15AMThe Most Anal CEO Ever
Remy Stern · 10/28/11 03:30AMScott Olsen's Condition Upgraded From Critical to Fair
Seth Abramovitch · 10/28/11 12:48AM
Scott Olsen, the Iraq War vet critically injured by an Oakland riot cop's projectile gas canister, is awake and lucid and awaiting surgery, according to a report in The Guardian. His condition has been upgraded from critical to fair. The San Francisco Chronicle reports that doctors are optimistic he could make a full recovery.