He can't help it. The GPS voice makes him randy. This actress is embarrassed over a messy poo incident. This actor thinks he lives with a ghost. Another thesbian can't get it up. Maybe he should try GPS.
He's willing to do anything—anything—to please the producers. This reality star will only please people for a price. These rival actresses take no pleasure in working together. Hollywood is a place full of happy endings.
They're pretending to reunite in public, but the truth is a different matter. This actor is covered with bruises thanks to his wife. This famous pair terminated a pregnancy—well, at least she did. Partnership sure is dangerous.
He thinks he is contaminated and won't have sex to avoid fathering freakish fetuses. This actor is holding out for more money or he'll be ditching a hit show. This singer has a randy grandpa. At least someone's getting some!
Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter is reportedly considering opening a third restaurant in Fedora's former spot on West 4th Street. He better be careful; we hear he recently lost his top assistant, who got tired of booking Waverly Inn reservations.
Who said lesbians have to be dowdy, Birkenstock-wearing dogs? This actress has everything the boys want—and isn't afraid to show it off—but that doesn't mean she wants anything to do with boys. Buck those stereotypes, girl!
Everyone in Hollywood is in rehab these days, but these three souls are having a particularly rough time. This actor has a habit for strippers and another a habit for his male costars. Can we say no, no, no?
Rumor-debunking website Snopes.com is one of the greatest websites on the Internet. But sad Snopes founders David and Barbara Mikkelson realize their quest is a Sisyphean one. Even in fact's domain, gossip reigns supreme.
At least no one took her picture lighting up. This actress wants a product placement deal for paparazzi photos. Another actress is trying to get any paparazzi attention at all. It's all as shitty as one media company's turd-filled lobby.
They've already found their new partners of the same sex—who are also celebs. Another famous couple is on the rocks because the husband is love with the wife's assistant. If three's a crowd, then what is four?
Nate Hill, the furry artist behind the "Free Bouncy Rides" and Death Bear, is being pursued by producers interested in offering him a TV show, according to Bucky Turco. Dude. This guy is a TV show. Easiest script ever. [AnimalNY]
It's the only stunt she can think of to stay famous. This actor is trying to stay relevant by switching TV shows and these two actresses ignore each other in public. Come on, kids. It's time to play nice.
Between the blow and the internet, he spends all his time in a trailer alone. This star is trying to help a parent out of addiction. This last actress is only addicted to vanity, a difficult vice to kick.
And what bad timing, because now Sandra Bullock is getting all the ink. This singer is sleeping around, a boy bander is a drunk, and a male crooner is trying to hide the plastic surgery scars. It's not a ruse!
He even wakes and bakes before morning shows. This tween star likes coke, this girl is sick of her famous sister, and this actor is pissed at his model girlfriend. Everyone needs to just chill out, man.
They'd call him Santa Claus if he gave any more gifts. One actress is obsessed with her weight (and her bulimia) another is obsessed with her boyfriend's ex. This singer has two boyfriends at once. Let's hope one isn't Santa.
She smashed the window because her key didn't work, but was so drunk she didn't realize it wasn't even her vehicle. At least when this actress misbehaves it's with her costars and her husband's consent.
Last week we told you that Regent/ Here Media, publisher of Out, The Advocate, and other gay titles, was ripping off freelancers. Oh, the tips that poured in! They are really deadbeats, apparently. New scathing complaints against the company, below.
And we don't mean box office. He wears the same clothes repeatedly until they reek. This actress burned her house down doing coke and another actress needs more plastic surgery to fix her bad plastic surgery. Everything is disposable.
Her girlfriend doesn't seem to mind that she's pretending to like guys to get romantic parts. This male singer and a pervy PR guy also love the ladies, though they're not always a big hit with them.