
The Morning Cruise: Close Encounters Of The Tom Kind

mark · 06/29/05 01:50PM

Any morning Cruise round-up worth its Sea Org salt must begin with Banterist's Cruise-inspired Xbox controller. What, no "disparage psychiatric pseudo-science" button? That must be mapped to one of the unseen trigger buttons underneath.
· What's it like to travel around the world on the WOTW tour with Cruise? One brave reporter finds out.
· What's it like to be trapped in an elevator with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes at last night's BET Awards? One brave reader reports:

The Loneliness Of The Long-Distance Moonwalker

mark · 06/29/05 12:30PM

While the world does its best to bite the towel of acceptance and endure the existential Brazilian wax it received in Michael Jackson's acquittal, we must strive to remember the silent victims—the MJ impersonators who lurk near the Chinese Theater and the countless others who share this regrettable vocation. A reader snapped this pic of a lonely Jacko near Hollywood and Highland, who can only watch in impotent dread as tourist attention forsakes him for Darth Vader and a minion. The crushed, ersatz Jacko's body language suggests that he realizes that no fake Jesse Jackson will appear to offer counsel in this time of spiritual crisis.

Roy Mauling Still Unsolved

mark · 06/29/05 10:30AM

The AP obtained the Dept. of Agriculture's final, inconclusive report investigating the tragicomic tiger mauling of Roy Horn. The real reason why the white Bengal attacked his sequined-bedecked master still remains a mystery, but some of the more "popular" theories were either ruled out or no evidence proving them was discovered:

IMDb Rides The Butterscotch Stallion

mark · 06/28/05 06:30PM

While we're inclined to throw the laptop out the window and declare that IMDb's sanctioning of Owen Wilson's nickname means our work is finally done, we realize that there are always new steeples to vault. We shall not rest until the dream is fully realized. A flash of our modest, yet greedy, fantasy is after the jump.

The Afternoon Cruise: Red Carpets, Motorcycles, And Manly, Manly Hugs

mark · 06/28/05 04:08PM

On days like today, the media-sensation-made-flesh known as Tom Cruise uses his mastery over the universe to defy our best efforts to contain his exploits in a single morning round-up. Above, our friends at Open All Night document last night's War of the Worlds premiere in LA, where Cruise terrorized the crowd by riding a motorcycle up and down the red carpet and aggressively hugging Will Smith. Fake-adoring fake-spouse-to-be Katie Holmes stood nearby and smiled in approval, probably glad to be momentarily free of Cruise's death-clinch.
· TV Newser reports that publicists pressured Today producers to edit Cruise's now-infamous sparring match with Matt Lauer. If what we saw was the edited version, the mind boggles at what psychiatry-baiting madness wound up on the cutting room floor.
· A reader e-mailed to tell us that "Tom Likes A He" is an anagram of "Katie Holmes." We don't know what that's supposed to mean, nor do we know what an anagram is. Is it like a female engram?
· Cruise holds forth on his favorite drug on The Early Show: "Jess, it's a point of, you look at something and you go OK. I've been on the other side of that, when people's lives have been torn apart, where you talk about suicides, where we're looking at now Ritalin is street drug; it's a study drug, because it's an amphetamine. Look, you don't have to believe me. I'm just saying, look at the data and where does that data come from?"
· Yes, we have seen that e-mail going around that claims that a certain crazy-in-fake-love person often discussed in this space and another person were caught doing certain things by a concerned third party. And no, we don't think the e-mail is authentic. This concludes our Cruise coverage for at least the next fifteen to twenty minutes.

Report: Russell Crowe's Throwing Talents Not Limited To Telephones

mark · 06/28/05 12:58PM

Not that anyone should doubt the sincerity of Russell Crowe's Post-Concierge-Bashing Televised Redemption Tour, but now we're understanding the actor's impulse to launch into operatic soul-searching each time someone points a camera at him. Page Six reports that in addition to the previously-documented phone-tossing antics, Crowe also demonstrated his proficiency in the hurling of decorative ceramics and a flair for hard-boiled dialogue. Oh, and there's a video tape of the whole thing:

This Is Not A Fake Headline

mark · 06/28/05 10:45AM

It's always nice to see our most beloved celebrities take a stand on something important to them. The TV judge/crusader is just trying to get her foot in the door in Sacramento; once the nail salons are cleaned up, she'll then turn her attention to achieving humane working conditions and a living wage for the illegal immigrant who caused her infected nail bed. First things first, people.

Short Ends: Psychiatrists Respond To Cruise

mark · 06/27/05 07:44PM

· We're not here to judge (or to wonder about whether the ad is real or not), we're just here to help supposed celebrities posting on Craigslist get anonymous blowjobs.
· Free Katie bumpersticker spotted!
· Steven Spielberg is so tired of Tom Cruise questions that he doesn't even mind comparing War of the Worlds to 9/11.
· TTFN: April Winchell reacts to her father's death.
· Finally, psychiatrists fight back: "It is irresponsible for Mr. Cruise to use his movie publicity tour to promote his own ideological views and deter people with mental illness from getting the care they need."

The Way To An Actress's Heart Is Through Her Cambodian Orphan

mark · 06/27/05 03:13PM

OK, guys, we get the message: Brad's a super daddy stand-in, and your relationship consists of more than just the animalistic throwing together of your sexual reproductive organs. And it's nice that you're all outdoorsy with the cute sand-castles and the dirt-bike riding, but the tandem skydive was really overkill.

Defamer Corrections: Jack Nicholson's Appendage

mark · 06/27/05 01:00PM

In discussing a story about Jack Nicholson's "rewriting" of a sex scene in The Departed to include a "prosthetic appendage" and the dusting of an actress's posterior with cocaine, we inadequately identified the appendage as a "dildo." These pictures from a Dutch magazine (and posted at Twitch) clearly demonstrate that the appendage might be more accurately described as a "strap-on." We apologize for our failure to fully recognize Mr. Nicholson's inventiveness and dedication to craft.

The Morning Cruise: Tom Cruise Masters The Universe

mark · 06/27/05 09:00AM

In the first of a four-part series about Scientology's sudden, Cruise-assisted visibility, Salon.com wonders (note—you may have to watch an ad to read the story) if the actor's recent talk-show antics, unconvincing red carpet tongue-wrestling sessions, and antipsychiatry zeal are tied to his likely ascension to the COS's highest echelons (i.e., where they tell you about the aliens and volcanos):

Cruise Vs. Lauer: Cruise Wins...Our Mindless Devotion

mark · 06/24/05 04:37PM

We've finally gotten around to watching the video of Tom Cruise tussling with Matt Lauer, and we know that this is going to surprise a lot of you, but Cruise's constant assertions about his superior knowledge of the history of psychiatry and its very, very devilish, pseudoscientific underpinnings has finally won us over. Repetition of the message really does work, and there is only one rational response to this incredible eye-opening: We're headed to the nearest hospital to beat the living shit out of anyone wearing a labcoat. Yes, some of these people may be involved in "legitimate" fields of medicine (Wait, are there any? We're not completely sure what we believe, we're still new at this), but we can't take the chance that they might have come into contact with a bottle of Ritalin (a street drug) at some point and carelessly assigned a reckless, completely arbitrarily determined dosage to a 5-year-old boy with too much pep. No, Cruise didn't specifically suggest this course of action, but we've always been really good about taking the initiative in these kinds of situations. And you know what else? We never found Brooke Shields to be particularly attractive, even before she started poisoning her body with devilpills.

Also: Drudge is gripped by Cruise vs. Lauer transcription-mania, but we much prefer this illustrated version, which we think places Suppressive Lauer's leading questions in the proper light.

Nicole Kidman On Witchy Powers, Twitchy Noses, and Posture

mark · 06/24/05 02:19PM

Hey, did you know that Nicole Kidman has a movie opening today? Well, she does! Don't drag that razor blade across your quivering forearm in punishment just yet—we'd forgotten all about Bewitched too, until we stumbled across this utterly fascinating wire story, in which Kidman reveals the rigorous physical preparation for her role and whether or not she'd like to be granted witch powers for a day: