
The Morning Cruise: Gawker Media Gets In On The Gangbang

mark · 06/24/05 12:15PM

· As we all probably know by now—i.e., we would've heard about the universe being sucked into a manhole outside The Late Show's Ed Sullivan Theate—Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes didn't wed last night in front of Letterman. But our CrazyTalk was right about the judge (and it appears sister site Gawker was talking to the same squirrel), because Letterman considerately made one available in the green room in case the crazy-in-fake-love couple wanted to tie the knot right then and there. They also turned down a chance to consummate their love in a dressing room filled with rose petals and an instructional Kama Sutra mural painted on the wall. Maybe they'll hit the love-room next time they have something to promote.
· Cruise also dropped in on The Today Show, where he taught Matt Lauer a thing or two about the evils of psychiatry: "You don’t even know what Ritalin is! If you read the papers on how they came up with the drug, the dosage… You should be more responsible in knowing what it is. I am responsible. I know these things." You heard the man: He knows things. (While we were sleeping off some coast-to-coast jetlag—why did we get out bed again?—Gawker helpfully transcribed the exchange.) Also: The AP has already documented the Today Show fracas.
· Wrapping up our team coverage, Gizmodo takes a look at the e-meter (you've heard the jokes, now see the gadget!). It turns out that the device is indeed somewhat more complicated than a couple of tin cans, some string, and a joy buzzer. But can a joy buzzer help free you from those troublesome body thetans? We think not.

Short Ends: Diamonds On The Soles Of The Shoes In Her Mouth

mark · 06/23/05 07:21PM

· Sayeth the Lohan: "I don't get involved in any drama." Of course, this I'm-above-it-all stance only applies to the displacement of bushmen by De Beers diamond miners, not something as monumentally important as the placement of one of her songs in her new movie or the guest list at a party at the Standard.
· "9:05 a.m. Relish life free from negative trappings of the reactive mind, God-like status of perfect mental, emotional, and physical health, and general infallibility. 9:29 a.m. Toast bagel."
· Please feel free to return to your regular, uninterrupted sleep patterns: Hermes has apologized to Oprah.
· A photography icon refuses to give an approving hand-job to the photography book Ben Stiller edited, nearly throwing the Earth off its celebrity ass-kissing axis. [via LA Observed]

The Blind Item Guessing Game: Hustle & Blow: Your Answers

mark · 06/23/05 05:08PM

Given that many of you may have fainted dead away from the apparent obviousness of this blind item, let's end this charade and get to your guesses. But first, as always, the refresher course in One Randy-Candy Blind Vice:

Defamer CrazyTalk: Cruise, Holmes, And Letterman Nuptials

mark · 06/23/05 04:03PM

Welcome to another edition of Defamer CrazyTalk™, in which we down three Vicodin-Red Bull cocktails and wait for a cute squirrel with a unicorn horn to tell us some completely unverifiable rumor that we nonetheless feel compelled to share with you, the reader who is admirably unconcerned with the potentially hilarious inaccuracy of said rumor. Ready for today's squirrel-gram? Good.

The Blind Item Guessing Game: Hustle & Blow

mark · 06/23/05 12:36PM

Wherein we invite our readers to stare at the words randomly arranged in humpy E! gossip spin-artist Ted Casablanca's weekly blind item, feign comprehension, and make a wild guess as to the carefully obscured identity of this week's naughty celebrity. Tiptoe through the delicate field of daisies that is One Randy-Candy Blind Vice:

The Morning Cruise: Suppressive Outlets Banned From 'WOTW' Red Carpet

mark · 06/23/05 10:45AM

Today's Rush & Molloy column in the NY Daily News reports that the War of the Worlds folks have finally tired of "journalists" and their insistently suppressive prose and banned all print media from tonight's premiere in New York City. Well, not all print media, as they've granted something of a exclusive to People magazine, whose planned twenty-page spread of Tom Cruise personally feeding an entire nursery full of crack-addicted kittens from a medicine dropper probably had nothing at all to do with their Most Favored Rag status.

Courtney Love Makes A Difficult Choice

mark · 06/22/05 12:12PM

On the one hand, you're skinny, manic (some might say the life of the party!), and you assault the occasional fan with a microphone or let one suckle your breast in a Wendy's. On the other hand, you live a potentially longer, drug-free life, avoid repeated run-ins with cranky judges, and get your daughter back, but your new, "healthier" frame isn't doing that still-developing movie career any favors, and when you stand next to Pamela Anderson at a premiere, everyone is vaguely afraid that you might devour her.

Lindsay Lohan Stays On Puberty Message

mark · 06/22/05 10:44AM

Lindsay Lohan stopped by the Letterman show last night to plug her latest masterwork of modern cinema, Herbie: Fully Loaded, and to do the kind of light image rehabilitation that must accompany any of her public appearances. There was a time when The Breast Question was the one she needed a quick answer for (if memory serves, it was "I blossomed!"); now it appears that Lohan's publicists have retrofitted the old breast party line for The Weight Question (which, naturally, is the polite, thinly veiled version of The Drugs Question), as she told Letterman she owes her new stick-figure to "puberty," that wonderful transition to womanhood that Lohan claimed only to have undergone at the age of 17. This makes perfect sense, for when we think of Lindsay Lohan, the phrase "late bloomer" is always prominent in our mind.

Short Ends: Lohan Is Unhappy With Something, Throws Public Fit

mark · 06/21/05 07:46PM

· Listen guys, Lindsay works very, very hard! Don't judge her if she throws a fit when Disney shits all over that hard work.
· Maybe a bear claw, sure, but a Munchkin? Nah, we don't see it.
· We'd always had a creeping feeling that the curiously animated old guy from the Six Flags commercials had a deep, dark secret, but we're surprised at just how deep and dark it is.
· Hmmm. You'd think that with all that weed Woody Harrelson smokes, he'd be an excellent driver.
· That Tom Cruise character is so electric. But you knew that already.

Ari Gold Takes Two Hundred Percent

mark · 06/21/05 02:33PM

Please accept this picture of Jeremy Piven out carousing during the Entourage gang's recent trip to Vegas as a token of our contrition for mounting the proverbial pooch on the Leo DiCaprio picture. And we're far too ignorant to know how Viagra works its turgid magic, but if you divide the 16 minute refractory period between two eager fans, does that technically cut the "turnaround time" down to eight minutes? Just wondering.

Jack Nicholson Demands Dildos And Blow

mark · 06/21/05 12:22PM

In an effort to achieve a more acceptable level of Jack Nicholson Sexual Verisimilitude, the actor reportedly "rewrote" some of his sex scenes in Martin Scorsese's The Departed to include some of his tools of the trade. From Rush & Molloy:

Putting A Price On A Relationship

mark · 06/20/05 02:25PM

While the The NY Daily News' legal department was passed out underneath tables at various Hamptons nightclubs this weekend, Ben "Gatecrasher" Widdicombe snuck this highly anonymous, completely inscrutable tidbit into his weekend column: