
When Dov Charney Stands for America, the Terrorists Win

Jessica · 01/10/06 01:30PM

While we always love to see exposé upon exposé of the already over-exposéd skeezy Dov Charney and his American Apparel-branded clothing, we're slightly saddened that this piece in the Guardian falls under the category of "Special Report: United States of America." We don't expect the rest of the world to think fondly of us, but we'd much rather have foreign perception of American fuckitude revolve around the foibles of our Playskool government and not, you know, some random kosher-perv.

CNN on Clinging, Sharon's and Others'

Jesse · 01/05/06 11:02AM

While we, like much of the world, hopefully await further developments regarding the health of Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister who apparently suffered a major stroke last night, we must also note the odd photo chose to illustrate the story this morning.

Gossip Roundup: Paris Lies, Bear Shits in Woods

Jessica · 01/03/06 11:09AM

• In her deposition in the $10 million slander suit filed against her by Zeta Graff, Paris Hilton admits to lying when planting a story claiming Graff had attacked Hilton in a London nightclub. Hopefully, this sort of revelation will lead to her impeachment from the celebutwat circuit. [Page Six]
• Having lost just enough weight to squeeze into her bad idea jeans, Britney Spears looks to have a marriage-saving child with K-Fed. [Scoop]
• Last week, Sean Lennon begged Page Six to hook him up with a date. But sobering up is never fun, and this week he doesn't really care to contact anyone who emailed to offer themselves. [Page Six]
• Supermodel Kate Moss is spotted frolicking about with a new beau, the unimonikered Jamie — who happens to be 11 years her junior. This would be the the fucktoy period of her post-scandal comeback tour. [IOL]
• Tom Brokaw and Harrison Ford are cranky, old. [R&M]

Look Out Old Kruci Is Back

Jesse · 12/28/05 02:45PM

It's been far, far too long since this familiar manifestation of naggery has appeared in the lower-right of our screen:

And We Thought His Modeling Career Ended Decades Ago

Jesse · 12/28/05 09:21AM

We don't know how old this vintage poster for sale on eBay is, we don't know what kind of shape it's in, and we don't know if it's worth any real money. Most important, though, we also had no idea that Anderson Cooper has been doing ad campaigns for French cologne.

Gossip Roundup: Bumping in the New Year With Lindsay Lohan

Jessica · 12/27/05 11:45AM

• Lindsay Lohan will be hosting a New Year's eve party in Miami. Inexpicably, tickets are only $200 per person, which is quite the bargain for an opportunity to administer speedballs to an A-lister. [IMDb]
• San Antonio Spurs guard Tony Parker and girlfriend Eva Longoria are pulled over by a "Mexican bike cop." [NYDN]
• While at Pace University, foodie Rachel Ray squandered her tuition money, but Page Six doesn't disclose where the money went. Booze? Hookers? Drugs? Give us something, here. [Page Six]
• Ivana Trump's Australian luxury resort is reduced to a plebeian housing project. [Gatecrasher (2nd item)]
• It's MisShapes — the band. The music may suck, but we're sure their outfits are fantastic. [Page Six]

Iran Permits No Transit Strikes, or Peaceful, Easy Feelings

Jesse · 12/20/05 09:11AM

Days like today remind you of the advantages of living under a totalitarian regime. When no one has the right to free speech, or to assembly, or to association, or to control his own labor, at least the trains always run more or less on time. (In Soviet Moscow, the subways arrived every 90 seconds! Or something like that.)

Gossip Roundup: Ashlee Simpson's Japanese Crisis

Jessica · 12/16/05 11:24AM

• Ashlee Simpson is currently in a Tokyo hospital; the popster collapsed yesterday after her MTV Japan performance. The official line will likely be "exhaustion." Yeah, because trying to legitimately squeak out a note or two can really drain a girl. [Us Magazine]
• Did Mort Zuckerman pull the plug on Radar because the magazine refused to halt unflattering coverage of powerful suits like David Pecker and Mike Ovitz? Related: Is water wet? [Page Six]
• At the Church of Scientology's fundraiser for the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project (exhale), Tom Cruise schmoozed while Katie Holmes sang Christmas carols. If that's not a war against Christmas, nothing is. [R&M]
Vanity Fair refuses to pay the legal fees for columnist Dominick Dunne, who was sued by Gary Condit after suggesting the congressman was responsible for the death of Chandra Levy. Understandably, lending cash to Dunne would've deeply cut into editor Graydon Carter's cigarette budget. [Page Six]
• Perhaps in an effort to make President W. seem normal, former prez Jimmy Carter tells GQ that he once used a woman in a trance to locate a downed plane. [Lowdown]

Krucoff Is a Man

Jesse · 12/15/05 09:53AM

Gawker mascot Andrew Krucoff is now, finally, best we can tell, a man. Naturally this process included what appears to be a fifth of vodka.

Is This the Little Krucoff We Carried? Is This the Little Krucoff at Play?

Jesse · 12/13/05 12:54PM

He can't hold down a job and he can barely hold together his everyday life. Yet, it's somehow not at all surprising that within three weeks of arriving in Jerusalem with no previous Hebrew training or Jewish education, beloved mascot Andrew Krucoff has not only decided he's ready for a belated bar mitzvah but has also managed to find a group of people — bloggers, natch — to coordinate it and enticed pervy Dov Charney of American Apparel to sponsor it.

Untitled Stalker Stills

Jesse · 12/07/05 10:54AM

We think we're choosing to take this as a compliment. But we're not entirely sure. The press release for an exhibit opening Saturday in Dublin arrived in our inbox today; here's part of it:

More Musings on India's Wondrous Highways

Jessica · 12/06/05 08:53AM

As the Times series on India continues to douse the brown folk with love, Gawker's subcontinental intern Neel Shah — who just happens to be languishing about the homeland as we speak — writes us in response to Sunday's first article on India's highways. As we're sure you recall, the moving piece was a brooding, brobdingnagian exploration of the national highway system, one of the country's most glorious achievements. Neel reports:

The Unintentional Poetry of 'The New York Times': Subcontinental Edition

Jesse · 12/05/05 12:35PM

We're only at part two today of the Times's four-part series on "India Accelerating," and we admit we're finding it a bit tough to continue fighting our way through. (Untold thousands of words on highways in the metro area would be tough enough; untold thousands of words on highways we'll likely never drive on becomes a much larger problem.)

Remainders: Le Retour de Kate

Jessica · 12/01/05 06:20PM

• French Vogue and its editor Carine Roitfeld are, of course, the hotness, which is why they didn't back down from letting Kate Moss guest-edit their December issue. You can't keep a hot bitch down. [The Daily]
• You can, however, keep her on-and-off boyfriend, Pete Moss, under arrest for posession of Class A drugs, a category which includes all the good stuff. [AP]• Because 50 Cent is into having sex ain't into making love, he plans on creating big, blue dildos in his own likeness. How thoughtful. [FemaleFirst]
• How to deal with the loud late-night Disneyhell that is the LES? Says one Curbed reader: "I'd suggest that instead of an earlier last call, they simply stop PATH train and Staten Island ferry service, and increase the bridge/tunnel tolls to $100 at 2 AM." [Curbed]
• As it turns out, Elaine Van Hoorne — the much-photographed hipster carnie and partner of One-Half NelSon — is just another damn Cornell grad. Figures. [Cornell]
• Who's really stealing Christmas? The politically correct, godless freak-monkeys, that's who. Praise Christ and his Mas! [Zulkey]
• Do we believe that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes would really have their wedding registry at Neiman Marcus? And that the most expensive item is only $430? [Just Jared]
• The breakup of Nick and Jessica leaves no man unscathed. [The Post Show]
• CBS is wooing Katie Couric with promises of that which makes a morning show host truly great: body oil and Manolos. [LAT]

New York Fails to Host Awesome Freakshow

Jessica · 12/01/05 10:02AM

We're going to veer ever-so-slightly off our usual beat here, just for the sake of absurdity: Tuesday night was the Women's World Awards, held at the Media City in Leipzig, Germany. We're fascinated by the thought that Germany has a "media city" (why can't New York be so simply named?), and the event itself would put any local awards gala to shame. Mikhail freaking Gorbachev presented the honorees with their awards, including the World Fashion Award, which went to none other than Donatella Versace.