Trump Tells Barbara Walters His Muslim Friends Agree With His Proposed Ban on Muslims
Allie Jones · 12/08/15 07:05PM
After calling for a “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” yesterday, Donald Trump sat down with Barbara Walters, his personal friend of many years, for an interview on ABC’s World News Tonight. Walters asked Trump the tough questions, like “Do you regret your ban on Muslims, which some people think is un-American?” and “Are you a bigot?”
Brendan O'Connor · 12/07/15 10:23PM
Rukmini Callimachi has written an excellent piece of news analysis on how a United States ground war against ISIS would fulfill certain apocalyptic prophesies undergirding the militant group’s ideology and recruitment tactics: “They want troops on the ground. Because they have already envisioned it.”
Syria Blames U.S. in Base Bombing That Killed 3 Soldiers, U.S. Blames Russia
Brendan O'Connor · 12/07/15 09:37PMStudy: More Useless Liberal Arts Majors Could Destroy ISIS
Sam Biddle · 12/07/15 02:29PMIn Pointless Speech, Obama Reassures America That "We Will Overcome" Terrorism
Brendan O'Connor · 12/06/15 08:45PMSan Bernardino Shooter Tashfeen Malik Called 'Modern Girl' Who Turned To Extremism in College
Melissa Cronin · 12/06/15 10:06AMAmerica Was Already Prepared for an ISIS Attack
Tom Scocca · 12/04/15 06:08PMAllie Jones · 12/04/15 12:30PM
Female San Bernardino Shooter "Pledged Allegiance" to ISIS on Facebook
Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/04/15 11:59AMMore Measured Words From Trump on ISIS: "You Have to Take Out Their Families"
Allie Jones · 12/02/15 10:13AM
Donald Trump, who is currently leading Republican primary polls by saying things like, “I would bomb the shit out of ISIS,” revealed today more of his nuanced plans to combat the terrorist network. In a call to his fans at Fox & Friends, he said he would “take out the families” of ISIS members, too.
U.S. Will Send Permanent "Expeditionary Force" to Fight ISIS in Iraq
Brendan O'Connor · 12/01/15 06:48PMInequality and Extremism
Hamilton Nolan · 12/01/15 05:05PMDilbert Creator Scott Adams: If I Couldn't Get Laid, I'd Be a Suicide Bomber, Too
Ashley Feinberg · 11/23/15 12:25PM
Scott Adams—the man behind everyone’s favorite suicidal coffee mug adornment—has some thoughts he’d like to share with the world. No, this time it’s not about how much of a genius he is (not to brag). Nor is it about how rapes aren’t the rapist’s fault (they can’t help themselves!). Instead, today, Scott Adams would like to take a moment to talk to you about ISIS and the root cause of its many evils—otherwise known as women.
The Huffington Post Clarifies: Ex-One Direction Star Not in ISIS
Allie Jones · 11/20/15 12:25PMStep One of Hillary Clinton's Multi-Part Strategy to Defeat ISIS Is "Defeat ISIS"
Alex Pareene · 11/19/15 12:40PMParis Massacre Mastermind Bragged About Infiltrating Europe in February Interview
Sam Biddle · 11/19/15 11:35AM
ISIS isn’t just a sprawling paramilitary terrorist organization, it’s also a media company, with digital and print publications reaching a global audience. Its flagship publication is Dabiq, the Vogue of global jihad. In its February 2015 issue, the chief suspect in the recent assault on Paris sat down for an interview and made his intentions obvious.