
The Website Counting Down to Gangnam Style's Billionth Hit Turned to Porn Ads When It Happened

Max Read · 12/21/12 11:54AM

If you were counting down to "Gangnam Style"'s one billionth YouTube view on the site, you might have been a little confused at what happened when the counter hit 1,000,000,000: it turned into a porn site: the "Xpress Cougar Dating Club." "When it was getting closer to 1 billion views I figured I had to do something with it," the site's creator told us.

Lena Dunham Makes a Sex Joke in Latest Obama Campaign Ad—Quick! Shield Your Young, Blossoming Daughter's Eyes!

Alyssa Bereznak · 10/25/12 08:13PM

The Obama campaign just released its latest video ad, featuring none other than Girls creator Lena Dunham. In the clip, she offers advice on "your first time," describing one's first foray into the voting booth the same way a young lady might describe losing her virginity. In other words, a cute sex joke! And guess what? Right-wing bloggers flipped out.

2008 Called. It Wants to Know What Happened to Barack Obama.

John Cook · 10/23/12 11:45AM

One of the many little thrills of being a part of the Obama campaign four years ago was a deep and abiding sense that, finally, a political leader had come along who could live up to our highest aspirations. Yes, Obama was cool and played basketball and was conversant in ironical youth culture, but when it came down to it, he was overwhelmingly serious. The other guys were hauling unlicensed plumbers onstage and suspending their campaign at the drop of a hat, but Obama kept his eyes on the prize and played the grown-up. Now he's talking about "Romnesia."

Shitty Joke Forces Alaska Airport to Shutdown for Three Hours

Taylor Berman · 10/14/12 06:13PM

Considering the hyped-up, half-assed shit the TSA forces you to go through before your typical flight, making a bomb-related joke at the airport probably isn't the best move. But, according to the AP, flier Peter Friesema didn't let a thing like common sense get in the way of potential comedy gold and apparently made a wisecrack about having a bomb in his bag. Things went about as well as you'd expect: authorities shutdown Anchorage's Ted Stevens International Airport for three hours hours early Sunday morning as police searched for the non-existent bomb.

Dear America's Political Columnists: Keep Your 'Satirical' Ideas to Yourselves, Please

John Cook · 09/26/12 12:37PM

Roger Simon wrote a...thing today for Politico in which he revealed highly embarrassing details about GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan's contempt for Mitt Romney: Ryan has "gone rogue," openly referring to Romney as "the Stench" on the campaign trail and refusing to follow the campaign's direction. EXCEPT TOTALLY NOT! Jokes on you, suckers.

Joe Biden Makes Terrible, Lubrication-Based Dirty Joke

Max Read · 03/21/12 09:37AM

Joe Biden, in character as always, made a terrible joke about lubrication yesterday at the White House reception for Irish prime minster Enda Kenny. It's not even funny in its un-funniness, really; it's just kind of... bad:

Stephen Colbert Unveils the World's Oldest 'Yo Mama' Joke

Matt Toder · 03/02/12 12:14AM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert took a break from dreading Mitt Romney's inevitable candidacy to examine some incredible archaeological findings, specifically an ancient Babylonian text which may include the world's oldest 'yo mama' joke. He really had fun with it.

Spilt Milk Actually Kills Fish and Screws Up the Water

John Cook · 01/25/12 01:55PM

Hahaha! Barack Obama made a funny joke in his State of the Union speech last night about how dumb the EPA was for forcing dairy farmers to have containment plans spelling out what to do if their massive milk facilities spring a leak. Stupid EPA! It's just "spilt milk," amirite? Milk is good for you, and you shouldn't cry when you spill it! Except when you spill it in massive amounts. Then it kills fish and threatens the water supply.

Word Puzzles Suggesting Sexxxy Things Again

Lauri Apple · 08/30/11 04:15AM

A blogger and word-game enthusiast shares this photo of the Scrabble Grams published in their newspaper last Saturday. When unscrambled, the top two rows of tiles formed the words "leakage" and (it seems!) "butt sex." Scrabble Grams are now created by Justin Bieber.

A Collection of Bad Political Twitter Jokes from the DC Earthquake

Jim Newell · 08/23/11 02:42PM

Holy potatoes that was some kinda Washington Earthquake of 2011 that we just had! Everyone has fallen into the Potomac River. But not before everyone got to make a bad joke on Twitter relating to current national politics! Because it's in DC, know? You can tell it's a "bad" political earthquake joke if it's a political earthquake joke in general. Here's a poorly culled selection.

Jokester Dad's Weird Yearbook Ad Not a Big Hit with Parents

Jeff Neumann · 06/22/11 04:30AM

George Somogyi and his 17-year-old daughter Rianna "share a biting, sardonic sense of humor of the Monty Python variety." So dad figured he'd take out a $500 joke ad in his daughter's senior yearbook without telling her.