
Jude Law In Bitter Struggle To Save His Hair

Molly Friedman · 04/16/08 11:30AM

When we first saw some screen shots from Jude Law's upcoming My Blueberry Nights, we couldn't help noticing the actor's abundance of messy highlighted hair atop his winky visage. Especially when compared to his respectable, but ever-so-slightly receding hairline in Alfie. And after being photographed in London recently sporting the beginnings of a George Costanza 'do, our suspicions that his character's curls in MBN were extensions for boys: "

Last Film Still Up In Air as Colleagues Remember Anthony Minghella

STV · 03/18/08 02:08PM

Details regarding director Anthony Minghella's sudden death early this morning are finally emerging, with the official cause of death now listed as a brain hemorrhage, which may have been a result of surgery he had several days ago to remove a growth in his neck. Harvey Weinstein, a longtime collaborator of Minghella's who distributed all five of his theatrical features in the States (ultimately handling his final film, No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, as a TV pilot with HBO and the BBC), issued a poignant remembrance to Variety:

Molly Friedman · 02/15/08 01:41PM

Take this with a grain of salt, but AICN is reporting that Imaginarium Of Dr. Parnassus director Terry Gilliam has cast Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law to film the remaining scenes that Heath Ledger was to have played. If word from Harry Knowles' camp ends up being true, it'll be quite a score for both the project and the notorious bad-luck magnet Gilliam. While it remains to be seen how Heath Ledger's scenes will be integrated into the final product, we can all agree that this casting news is a definite improvement over Christopher Plummer's vision of using "stills and something I think they call CGI" to save the flick. [AICN]

mark · 11/19/07 01:50PM

Former Sexiest Man Alive sash-wearer Jude Law, whose 2004 recognition as the most desirable pretty-boy in all of Hollywoodland capped a year of overexposure from which the too-hard-working thespian never fully recovered, congratulates current honoree Matt Damon on the accomplishment: "'Keep up the good work, Matt,' Law said of his co-star in The Talented Mr. Ripley, at Sunday night's London premiere of his new film Sleuth, before continuing in a rueful tone, "and no matter how badly your horny nanny begs for it—and she will, I assure you—please, don't give in to temptation. Porking the help just isn't worth it. Trust me." [People]

Hollywood Tough Jude Law Accused Of Paparazzo Assault

mark · 09/05/07 10:47AM

Perhaps more acutely aware of the personal peril that comes with Hollywood-pretty-boy status following yesterday's disturbing report about Brad Pitt's chilling near-hugging by a crazed Italian fan, actor and recent UN Peace Day ambassador Jude Law was arrested Tuesday after allegedly assaulting a photographer near his home in London. While the official police statement following the incident declined to name the star, its curious description of the attacker as "a 34-year-old man from Maida Vale so handsome that this officer found himself secretly wanting to grab a camera and see if the appealingly boyish rogue would rough me up a bit if I asked to take his picture," a slip that allowed the British tabloid press to make a positive identification of the paparazzo's celebrity assailant.

Owen Wilson To Meet His Ghost Of Hollywood Future

mark · 06/18/07 02:45PM

· Watch out, Hollywood, because here comes Mitch Albom: Adam Sandler has acquired the rights to feature-writing debut (an untitled baseball comedy, if you must know) of the Five People You Meet On One More Tuesday With Morrie author, whose treacly bestsellers have been previously adapted into housewife-narcotizing TV movies. [Variety]
· In today's strangest casting pairing, Jude Law and Forest Whitaker will star in Universal's "futuristic adventure thriller" Repossession Mambo. [Variety]
· In other buddy-casting news, Owen "The Butterscotch Stallion" Wilson and Nick "The Unkillable Aging Thoroughbred" Nolte have signed on to star in the Ben Stiller-directed comedy Tropic Thunder, which should create an amusing "before and after" Hollywood tableau the first time the actors share a two-shot. [Variety]
· Pirated copies of Michael Moore's Sicko proliferated on the YouTubes over the weekend, two weeks before the docimentary's opening. [THR]
· Today in writers' strike saber-rattling: The WGA West has warned its members to ignore the same old bullshit that studios are likely to spew as negotiations for a new labor agreement begin next month, such as claims that they are losing money in this terribly unprofitable entertainment business." Charges of counterbullshit by the studios include the accusation that the union is "out of touch with fast-changing showbiz realities." [Variety]

Stalk of the Town: Jude Law's Downward Spiral

gawktern · 04/18/07 12:15PM

The date: Apr 10, 2007
The place: Grays Papaya, 37th and 8th
Sighting: "Jude Law going into Grays Papaya. He was talking on his cell phone as he walked in. He came out with a big bag, looks like he took lots of hot dogs to go! Jude better watch that figure of his!"

Gossip Roundup: Screech Will Make You Scream

Jessica · 09/27/06 12:40PM

• Screech — er, Dustin Diamond — has a sex tape on the loose, which depicts some sort of three-way and, allegedly, some Dirty Sanchez action. Which is just about the most disgusting thing we can imagine right now. Mark Paul Gosselaar, by all means, not this. [R&M]
• Winona Ryder wanders in through the back door of Soho boutique Lounge, does a lap around the store, and then screams, "Where am I?!" She then ran back to Bleecker Street and spent the rest of the day sobbing into her Marc Jacobs safety blanket. [Page Six]
• Paris Hilton destroyed former Backstreet Boy Nick Carter. Not that that's so hard to do. [Us Weekly]
• Jude Law finds Harvey Weinstein "tough, but tender." Exactly what he wants in a lover. [Lowdown]
• After much hype on their MTV reality show, Rev. Run's wife gives birth to a stillborn. Even Judy McGrath is a little sad. [TMZ]
• Renee Zellweger and George Clooney? Is someone too busy pushing for Darfur to notice how much he's dating down? [Page Six]

There Is Nothing Harvey Weinstein Won't Do For His Oscar-Hopeful Actresses

mark · 09/27/06 11:58AM

When the trench warfare of the Oscar campaign season commences anew, there is perhaps no better person for an actress to have in her, ahem, foxhole than Harvey Weinstein, the ruthless, battle-scarred warrior of countless awards skirmishes. The Envelope's statuette-fondling Gold Derby blog notes that Weinstein will probably channel his For Your Consideration bloodlust on behalf of Sienna Miller, star of Factory Girl, though another member of his harem of skinny, blonde war brides might also enjoy his affection:

Studios Finding It Harder To Slip A Long-Delayed Stinker Past A Better Informed Public

mark · 09/26/06 12:31PM

Today's NY Times uses buried-in-2005-and-grudgingly-unearthed-in-2006 film All the King's Men and its "humiliating box office returns" to illustrate how difficult it's become for studios to Febreze away the lingering stink of bad buzz in the Age of Too Much Information. In the case of ATKM, nearly every possible warning sign of eventual multiplex stillbirth was there, from a sneak preview of a regrettable Sean Penn period hairstyle, to the transparent, time-honored "this film needs an additional year of editing—hey, we're perfectionists!" excuse, to its interment in the September Oscar Hopes Burial Ground. Says the Times:

Gossip Roundup: Jude Ditches Sienna for Sadie

Jessica · 01/23/06 11:40AM

• Oh no he DIDN'T: Jude Law has ended his relationship with Sienna Miller and is reportedly moving back in with ex-wife Sadie Frost, who has not aborted any of his babies and tends to employ fuck-worthy nannies. [Mirror]
• Jennifer Lopez has been spotted buying all sorts of pricey accoutrements for some lucky baby. We won't believe it's her baby until we see her buying mink baby bonnets and russian squirrel-lined diapers. [Scoop]
• After George Clooney makes a lame joke at Jack Abramoff's expense, Daddy Abramoff fires back at Clooney. This naturally prompts Father Clooney to get involved. Here's hoping for a geriatric wrestling match to be funded by Jack and produced by George. [Lowdown]
• Kate Capshaw is a waiter's nightmare; Tiger Woods, Usher, and Star Jones are shitty tippers. Keep in mind that Jones will happily plug your menu on the View if you're willing to forgo any payment whatsoever. [Page Six]
• Even though it's barely started filming, Lou Reed thinks Factory Girl sucks. Well, if you actually lived it, of course you're going to think that. Crazy old coot. [R&M]

Trade Round-Up: Rakish Jude Law To Be Accused Of Romancing Cameron Diaz

mark · 12/13/05 02:27PM

· What did Paramount get in the DreamWorks deal? Half of anything Steven Spielberg does (even if he fools around with other studios), distribution rights for DreamWorks Animation films, and in a less-reported concession, Brad Grey gets to pat Jeffrey Katzenberg on the head and call him Lil' Buddy any time he visits the lot. Get it? Because he's short and adorable! [Variety]
· Jude Law joins Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet and Jack Black in Something's Gotta Give writer Nancy Meyers' romantic comedy Holiday, a project whose reportedly torturously prolonged casting process finally yielded exactly the right lovable, nanny-zapping rogue for the role. [THR]
· The forthcoming book Striking Back will simultaneously try to capitalize on the interest in the events depicted in Munich while disputing the version of events reported in Vengeance, the movie's source material. [Variety]
· Lake Bell is in negotiations to play Colin Farrell's wife in New Line cop drama Pride and Glory, assuming the actor doesn't chew through his restraints in rehab and escape before the conclusion of his treatment. [THR]
· Sandy Grushow, who greenlit 24 while at Fox and worked on marketing Die Hard, will produce the real-time drama pilot Crisis for Fox through his Phase Two company. We'll give you three guesses about which two highly successful projects Crisis is compared to. [Variety]

Gossip Roundup: Jude and Sienna Are Thankful for the Drama

Jessica · 11/23/05 11:42AM

Rush and Molloy report that Jude Law and Sienna Miller are seen sucking face at Balthazar, while Page Six claims the two were having a screaming match outside the very same venue. Balthazar brings out a range of emotions in us, too.
• Angelina Jolie has nabbed herself a Cambodian citizenship and is spotted house-hunting with Brad Pitt in D.C. — finally giving our nation's capital a connection to pressing world issues. [Page Six]
• Crazy-ass Joaquin Phoenix now says he might leaving acting altogether. Is there any length he won't go to to promote Walk the Line? [Scoop]
• Jared Leto and Lindsay Lohan might not be such a hot item, as Leto was spotted with a hot blonde. Keep the faith, Lohan — Jason Lewis still loves you. [Page Six]
• Is Page Six darklord Richard Johnson the Inconsiderate Cell Phone Guy? [Lowdown]

Trade Round-Up: Also, They Aren't Comfortable Releasing The Movie Until They Know What's Going On WIth Jude And Sienna

mark · 10/21/05 01:28PM

· Sony pushes All the King's Men to next year's Oscar season, pretending that they'd have to rush the post-production process to make its original December 2005 release date. We always love that excuse. [Variety]
· Hollywood Out of Ideas, Recycling Stephen King Edition: Warner Bros. will remake 1982's Creepshow. Remember all the cockroaches bursting through the guy's chest? Yeah, that probably won't be nearly as scary now that we're not eight years old.
· Paramount decides that it doesn't want to be DreamWorks' dirty little whore and have its heart broken when the studio eventually goes running back to Universal. [Variety]
· ABC follows up Wednesday's full season Commander in Chief order with a back-nine commitment for Invasion, hoping that the alien-attack drama will continue to lure in viewers (like us) too lazy to change the channel after Lost. [THR]
· Did we somehow miss the press release announcing that Mira Sorvino's officially giving up on her movie career? If starring opposite Stephen Dorff in a miniseries isn't a sign of total capitulation, we don't know what is. [Variety]

Blond Bond Boning Sienna Miller?

mark · 10/11/05 02:38PM

If you're going to try and figure out the current status of Jude Law and Sienna Miller's relationship, you might as well ask your neurologist to stab you in the brain with a Phillips-head screwdriver and save yourself some time. People collects a denial about the latest British tabloid report on the nanny-punishing pretty boy and his humiliated ladyfriend:

Gossip Roundup: 'Sup With Sienna Miller's Womb?

Jessica · 09/30/05 10:00AM

• Did Sienna Miller miscarry cheating beau Jude Law's baby? Perhaps, although it's equally likely that if there was the loss of a baby, it might've been a bit more intentional. We're just sayin'. [R&M]
• Tara Reid lashes out at the media yet again for its insistence on portraying the Taradise star as a demented lush. Yes, dear media, it's your fault she morphed into a human tequila popper and can't score a decent gig to save her left tit. [Page Six]
• Demi Moore's wedding to little brother Ashton Kutcher has been confirmed. Sorry. [Fox 411]
• Even more disappointing is word that OK! has paid an absurd $3 million for rights to the demonic marriage ritual. Meanwhile, Katrina evacuees could use some blankets. [Lowdown]
• Supermodel Carmen Kass fainted backstage at the Prada show in Milan. Hunger tends to do that to you. [Page Six]

Gossip Roundup: Massive Relief Effort to Feed Nicole Richie

Jessica · 09/12/05 10:30AM

• After backing out of a Wenner Media luncheon when she learned that big Jann Wenner wouldn't be attending, chemically-aided waif Nicole Richie was appeased by a private meeting in Jann's office and a ritual lunching with Us Weekly editor Janice Min. See, celebrity weeklies are nice: They're feeding our starlets! [Page Six]
• Victims of Hurricane Katrina have been receiving debit cards from the Red Cross in order to purchase the essentials during these rough times. For some, these essentials can be found at the Louis Vuitton store in Atlanta, where at least two of the cards have been used to purchase luxury goods. [Gatecrasher]
• Jude Law's maligned on-and-off fiancée Sienna Miller may or may not be pregnant with the actor's baby. No one really has a clue, but that's no reason to refrain from rampant speculation. [R&M]
• Frank Bruni turns his iPod up to Red Alert levels, as Tribeca's Bouley Bakery and Market is having staffing issues just days before the Times foodie is scheduled to visit. [Page Six]
• Lloyd Grove sides with Sean Penn's wife Robin Wright Penn, who wants us all to go fuck ourselves for mocking her hubby. [Lowdown]
• Cream puffs bid on the eBay auction of Matt Damon's half-eaten créme puff. [Scoop]