
Things To Not Wear To a Confederate Rally: FUBU Sneakers

Jordan Sargent · 08/03/15 12:20PM

FUBU, the clothing brand founded by Shark Tank’s fourth most vicious shark, Daymond John, famously stands for, “For us, by us.” The “us” who FUBU was created by and intended for is not, as it turns out, white KKK members from backwater Georgia.

KKK Issues Call to "Shoot to Kill" Immigrants, Leave Corpses on Border

Adam Weinstein · 08/01/14 01:15PM

In a video that would be funny if it didn't revolve around violent bigots, representatives of the Ku Klux Klan confirmed the organization's call to shoot border-crossing immigrants from Central America to advance its goal of a "white homeland" in the United States.

Town Watch Ousts Veteran Member After Learning He's a KKK Grand Dragon

Adam Weinstein · 06/25/14 03:20PM

William Walters seemed like a typical civic-minded resident of Tacony in Northeast Philadelphia. He'd served as a Republican committeeman for a decade and had been on the neighborhood watch for five years. Until neighbors found out about his enthusiasm for this other organization.

Florida Man Wants a Few Good White Men to Admire His KKK Flag

Adam Weinstein · 03/05/14 01:35PM

"ME: Married, with a Boca Raton trailer, a Klan flag, a Confederate flag with a skull, a 'members wanted' sign, and a lovely wife, ISO same. Had a noose, but uppity neighbors made me take it down. Are you my white-horsed grand knight in shining hood?"

Anti-Semitism and Swastikas: Meet the Pine Bush School District

Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/10/13 01:58PM

There is a little town, about 90 minutes outside of New York City, where the public school district's unofficial mascot appears to be a swastika, and Jewish children are pelted with coins and insults, and no one seems to be doing a damn thing about it.