Elton John Calls Madonna a 'Fairground Stripper'; Says Her Tour is a Disaster and Her Career is Over
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/06/12 02:30PMFrench Madonna Fans Demand Refund, Chant 'Slut' and 'Whore' After Singer Performs Abbreviated Set
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/27/12 09:57AMLunchtime Poll: What Drug Is Madonna On and Can We Not Have Any?
Rich Juzwiak · 07/05/12 11:00AMThat's Madonna performing "Like a Virgin" last week during an MDNA Tour stop in Berlin with tears streaming down her face. Why are tears streaming down her face? I don't know. She'd performed this song live for audience in this ballad style almost a dozen times at this point, and it doesn't seem that the song grabbed her like it did during this performance. (In other words, this doesn't seem to be a cry-every-night-at-the-same-exact-part Janet Jackson "Again" scenario.)
Report: Madonna Sends 'Sterilization Team' to Remove Traces of Her DNA from Dressing Rooms After Shows
Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/26/12 09:00AMMike Huckabee More Likely to Tour With Madonna Than Be Romney's VP Pick
Louis Peitzman · 06/10/12 11:16AMMadonna Would Like You to See Her Nipple (NSFW)
Louis Peitzman · 06/10/12 09:12AM
If you're one of the few people who has never seen Madonna's nipple, now's your chance.
Today's Song: Little Boots 'Headphones (Dimitri From Paris Dub)'
Rich Juzwiak · 06/04/12 04:55PM
This unreleased dub rips off Madonna's "Into the Groove" quite explicitly, and I suspect that is the point. Considering that it's coming from one of the most encyclopedia minds in dance music today, Dimitri from Paris, this track reads more like a reference to the small rash of musical Madonna wannabes in the '80s. In the hierarchy, I think "Headphones" sits somewhere below Regina's "Baby Love" but above Alisha's "Baby Talk." This guy knows what I'm talking about.
Madonna Throws Shade at Lady Gaga — By Covering One of Her Songs
Rich Juzwiak · 05/29/12 01:25PMNow, you want to talk about reading? Let's talk about reading:
Truth or Dare: How Madonna's Documentary Changed the Next 20 Years
Rich Juzwiak · 04/03/12 05:49PMMadonna Can't Stop Talking About Madonna on MDNA
Rich Juzwiak · 03/28/12 09:41AM
On her 12th studio album, MDNA (out this week), Madonna sometimes talks about her life with Guy Ritchie ("Would you have married me if I were poor?"). But her self-fixation, the album's real theme, is generally career-focused. You hear it in the way the way that certain songs echo her past work — "I'm a Sinner" breaks with a guitar solo a la "Ray of Light" and sports the plastic psychedelia of "Beautiful Stranger," while the chord progression of "Beautiful Killer" is similar to that of "Die Another Day." There are overt references, too – "Like a Virgin," "Into the Groove" and "Lucky Star" are name checked. The album opens with, "Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee and I detest all my sins..." which she previously said in Like a Prayer's "Act of Contrition."
The Day Madonna Joined Twitter: A Story of Love, Loss, and Toast
Leah Beckmann · 03/27/12 11:09AMUtterly Horrible, Vile Creature Piers Morgan Calls Kate Moss An 'Utterly Horrible, Vile Creature'
Emma Carmichael · 03/13/12 01:28PM
As current beef goes, this one is almost as lame as The Weeknd saying that The-Dream looks like the Hamburglar on Twitter, but public name-calling is public name-calling, and so we will share this particularly stupid incident with you: Piers Morgan, CNN's premier ruddy-faced gasbag, is still really pissed at Kate Moss.
As the Economy Lifts, So Do Wrinkled Faces
Louis Peitzman · 02/11/12 02:41PM
Plastic surgery is on the rise — and so is the economy, maybe. USA Today's Healthy Perspective blog has a story about an increase in breast implants, tummy tucks, face lifts, and the like. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates 1.6 million cosmetic surgeries in 2011. This is good news for the nippers and tuckers, who were once concerned the crappy economy was making plastic surgery a thing of the past. So things are looking up for all of us, right?
Madonna: M.I.A.'s Middle Finger "Seemed Negative"
Louis Peitzman · 02/11/12 10:43AM
Remember when M.I.A. flipped America off, and we pretended to give a damn? (Well, some of us didn't pretend.) Apparently this is a thing we're still talking about, because on Friday Madonna spoke to acclaimed journalist Ryan Seacrest about The Middle Finger Seen 'Round the World. MTV News has the full report.
The Non Music Fan's Guide to M.I.A., from Truffle Fries to Her New Video
Max Read · 02/06/12 03:52PMMadonna's Halftime Show Was Most Popular Part of the Super Bowl
Brian Moylan · 02/06/12 11:20AM
According to preliminary ratings reports, the most popular part of yesterday's Super Bowl broadcast was that crazy Cleopatra-goes-to-church-with-a-drumline-and-Japanese-schoolgirls concoction that Madonna performed in the middle. The game itself didn't rank higher than last year's record setting game, but it came close.
You Will Not See Madonna's Nipple at Super Bowl Halftime
Louis Peitzman · 02/05/12 05:39PMMadonna Embarrassing Herself Far in Advance of Big Super Bowl Halftime Show
Emma Carmichael · 02/02/12 05:55PMThe Super Bowl is a mere three days away, which brings us to that painful part of the promotion week where every single person who has even a remote involvement in The Big Game is granted a formulaic press conference. (Sample questions: "Excited about The Big Game?" "Who are you rooting for in The Big Game?" "Is this Big Game bigger than last year's Big Game?")