
It's Time for Lady Gaga to Go Away

Brian Moylan · 08/04/10 03:00PM

The onslaught of Lady Gaga has been fast and ubiquitous, and her Vanity Fair cover has the publicity machine working overtime. We love you, Gaga, but if you want to keep the love alive, you need to take a break.

The End of an Era: Madonna and Gwyneth Are No Longer Friends

Maureen O'Connor · 06/10/10 09:13AM

Now that Madonna's a swinging single cougar, Gwyn refuses to study Kabbalah with her. Star Jones writes The Devil Wears Prada about Barbara Walters. Britney faces two sex scandals. Heidi Montag just wants one. Thursday gossip has an achy-breaky heart.

Lindsay Lohan Is Going to Jail, And Other Probabilities

Maureen O'Connor · 04/30/10 09:02AM

She violated her DUI probation, but her lawyer says she'll be fine. And check out these gory photos she took. Kardashian says she doesn't smell like a burrito. Clooney didn't know he was harboring an arsenal of explosives. TGIFriday gossip.

Is This Madonna's Diary?

Maureen O'Connor · 04/29/10 05:41PM

An eBay seller claims to be selling a corpus of material that used to belong to Melissa Crowe, Madonna's personal assistant "from years 1987-1996." If it's real, it's a memorabilia treasure trove. Selections from the multimillion-dollar listings below.

Glee: Soaked in Madge

Brian Moylan · 04/21/10 12:00PM

We have watched the much-ballyhooed all-Madonna hour and we were not unchanged. Neither were the virgins and lovable losers in New Directions. Let's wallow in the afterglow before moving on with our lives, if we can.

Gwyneth Paltrow Is Gorging Herself On Rage

Richard Lawson · 04/06/10 03:26PM

From time to time on Gawker we stop to look at what Gwyneth Paltrow is eating. It's a lot! Though, like most people who seek comfort in bad foods, it does not cure her problems. She is still very angry.